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NEW: Grassley and Comer Had the Biden Bribery Form Before Wray Admitted it Existed; Grassley Says FBI Redactions Are ‘Obstructive Conduct’

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) took the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon to discuss reaction to the FBI FD-1023 form he released to the American people last week which detailed allegations that the former high-ranking Ukrainian government official and Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky had been compelled to pay bribes to Joe and Hunter Biden and, in return, Joe Biden orchestrated the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor conducting a corruption probe into Zlochevsky and Burisma.

Grassley’s entire remarks lasted about 15 minutes, and while every minute highlighted essential information and questions, the first minute – in which he alleged that the redactions the FBI placed on the FD-1023 shown to some Members of Congress in early June constituted “obstructive conduct by the United States.”

He began:

Today I’d like to address the unclassified, FBI-generated 1023 form that I made public last week. This is the 1023 that Director Wray refused to admit existed until I and Chairman Comer told him that we had read the document. The FBI provided a highly-redacted version to the House Committee on Oversight, and in the process ignored the Senate access to that document. That version redacted references to the alleged audio recordings between then-VP Biden, Hunter Biden, and a foreign national. It also redacted references to text messages and financial records that allegedly existed to prove the criminal act was done. Those redactions are an obstructive conduct by the United States. Why? Because this was an unclassified document. It’s not even marked “law enforcement sensitive.” And, by the way, the Justice Department and FBI leaks exposed sources well before the 1023 became public.

So, after about a month of denying the form even existed, Wray grudgingly admitted that it existed and acted as if providing read-only access in a SCIF to an obstructively-edited, unclassified document – to the House only, and not to the Senate – was a gracious, unheard-of act. As Bonchie wrote last week, the redactions in the document were quite obviously placed there to protect the Bidens from having their shockingly egregious pattern of corrupt conduct revealed, not to protect any FBI sources and methods. In other words, to obstruct a Congressional investigation and to obstruct justice.

However, don’t get lost with the words “obstructive conduct.” In the second sentence Grassley states what some have long assumed/speculated: that he and Comer already possessed the 1023 during the time period in which they were requesting it from the FBI/Director Wray. So, they knew what was being redacted and were thus informed on how the FBI/DOJ was going to play this.


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