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Hillary Clinton Knows Who’s to Blame for the Heat Wave—and It’s YOU

I won’t deny it, it’s been hot—really hot— this week in my neck of the woods and over large parts of America. Of course, it’s been really hot many times in the 30 years I’ve lived here in California, but let’s ignore that.

Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton knows who’s to blame, and it’s not the sun, or the weather, or a naturally occurring heat wave caused by God, the Universe, Gaia, randomness, or whatever you think produces such phenomena.

No, silly—a heat wave in July, smack in the middle of summer, could only be caused by… MAGA Republicans. But of course.

You see, if only you’d pulled the lever for Hills in 2016 instead of for Donald Trump, you’d be enjoying a cool 70-degree breeze right now. “Hot enough for you?” she wrote. “Thank a MAGA Republican. Or better yet, vote them out of office.”

(If you’re wondering why I wrote in the headline that Hillary thinks “It’s you” who is to blame for the heat wave, it’s because it doesn’t matter if you are a MAGA/Donald Trump supporter or not. Implicit in her statement is that all conservatives and Republicans are guilty, and if you’re perusing this site, you probably fit one of those definitions.)

The obvious thing that she’s missing, however, is that we had eight years of Obama, and then after an all-too-short hiatus during the Trump years, Democrats held the White House, the Senate, and the House for two straight years under Biden. Even after the GOP took back the House in 2022, Dems were able to pass the bloated “Inflation Reduction Act,” which, in addition to throwing billions at every liberal green energy fantasy imaginable, did nothing to slow inflation (in fact, it most likely increased it).


2 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton Knows Who’s to Blame for the Heat Wave—and It’s YOU”

  1. Hey, Hillary- you think its hot now…….its a deep freeze compared to where you’re going to spend eternity. You will have to watch the children of Libya drink clean clear cool water (from a water system YOU blew up) while you can chug whatever comes out of Bill forever and ever. Enjoy!

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