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Confused Biden Has Difficulty Finishing Words in Philadelphia

We’ve spoken about Kamala Harris’ word salads in the past. She’s had some doozies, even ones that seem to befuddle folks on the left as well, such as when she spoke about “culture” during Essence Fest earlier in the month. But at least Harris’ word salads generally involve fully-formed words. What Joe Biden did during his remarks in Philadelphia on Thursday truly topped her for incoherence.

I wrote previously about his Philadelphia remarks, where he repeated common falsehoods he likes to tell about the economy, took credit for bringing inflation down when he was part of the reason it went up in the first place, babbled about the wind, and had to ask for directions about how to get off the stage when he was finished speaking.

However, there was also this word salad of all word salads, in which he sounded like he was having trouble completing words, and it almost sounded like he was having a stroke. It was very concerning.

“How many times you read in inflat—that a recession’s comin’?” Biden said in garbled fashion. “They’ven wall street today said no you’ll don’t say resheck comin’ now!”

I’m just going to take a wild guess and say that isn’t what it said on the teleprompter. That’s about as incoherent as you can get. I tip my hat to the folks at the Townhall Twitter account for that translation because that certainly had to be a bit of a challenge.


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