BERLIN – The state’s purchase of a former golf course is expected to allow for restoration, reforestation and public access on hundreds of acres of land outside Berlin.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) this week, in partnership with Lower Shore Land Trust, announced the purchase of the former Bay Club from Carl M. Freeman Companies. The purchase will help preserve 672 acres in the headwaters of the Pocomoke River.
“The purchase of this property will provide significant water quality and habitat benefits in addition to public recreational opportunities,” said Department of Natural Resources Land Acquisition and Planning Director Hilary Bell. “The department is grateful to our partners at the Lower Shore Land Trust for their work, and to the Carl M. Freeman Companies for their commitment to conservation.”
In late 2020, DNR proposed the purchase of two parcels — the Bay Club and a neighboring farm — totaling 672 acres. This week the agency reported that the purchase had been completed. According to a news release, going forward DNR will coordinate on watershed restoration projects that meet departmental goals for bay restoration and climate resiliency. Portions of the property may also provide for pollinator habitat demonstration, forest management and fulfil goals for meeting Maryland’s 5 Million Trees Initiative, which is a directive to plant 5 million native trees on public and private land by 2031. The Bay Club purchase also adds significant acres of new pines and mixed hardwood forest to the Chesapeake Forest Lands, which now total 76,000 acres in Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico and Worcester counties.
The Bay Club was purchased using funds from Maryland’s Program Open Space. According to DNR, the seller recognized the conservation value of the property and worked diligently with Lower Shore Land Trust to meet the requirements of the state.
Cool. Loved play the 2 courses. By 2050, something will be built there.
Times always change.