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We’re Done With ‘Gradually’. We’ve Now Reached The ‘Suddenly’ Part…

By the summer of 1563, all of Britain had plunged into chaos over religion and the Reformation.

King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic church back in the 1530s, sparking a near civil war within the kingdom. Protestants killed Catholics, Catholics killed protestants, and extreme social tensions lasted for decades.

Universities were at the heart of this conflict; rather than focus on real subjects like science and mathematics, students and professors became radical social activists and turned their schools into ideological echo chambers. Sound familiar?

One of the few students who actually wanted to learn was a Scottish teenager named John Napier; Napier had been enrolled at the University of St. Andrews at the time, but he quickly realized that he would never learn a damn thing in that environment. So he dropped out… and started traveling in search of a real education.

No one quite knows exactly where he went or what he did. But when he returned to Scotland eight years later as a young man, Napier had become an intellectual giant.

You might not have ever heard of him, but John Napier was truly one of the great minds of his era.

And modern science owes a tremendous debt to his work… in particular his development of logarithms.

If it’s been a few years since you studied math (or ‘maths’ for my British friends), logarithms are the inverse of exponential functions.

Simple example: we know that 102 (or 10 squared) = 10 x 10 = 100. So, the number 10 raised to the power of 2 equals 100.

The inverse of that is to say that the ‘base 10’ logarithm of 100 = 2. Or in mathematical terms, 100 log10 = 2

Napier devised an entire system of logarithms. And this was actually a tremendous leap forward in mathematics, because logarithms made it so much easier for scientists and researchers to calculate solutions to complex problems.

One of the many important applications to come out of Napier’s work is the concept of ‘logarithmic decay,’ which models many real world phenomena.

The idea behind logarithmic decay is that something declines very, very slowly at first. But, over a long period of time, the rate of decline becomes faster… and faster… and faster.

If you look at it on a graph, logarithmic decay basically looks like a horizontal line that almost imperceptibly arcs gently downwards. But eventually the arc downward becomes steeper and steeper until it’s practically a vertical line down.


2 thoughts on “We’re Done With ‘Gradually’. We’ve Now Reached The ‘Suddenly’ Part…”

  1. This is precisely why we are Constitutionally required to separate “Church” from “State.” Think about it when you’re foolishly and shortsightedly advocating to place the 10 Commandments in classrooms (Texas) or otherwise similarly incorporating your preferred religion into public arenas like schools. The only way to keep your religious preferences safe is to prohibit governmental support for any/all religions.

    1. BINGO.

      Religion in public schools do not mix, period end of story.

      PRIVATE – not an issue at all, just have to “pay” for private and most cannot afford it – nor can home school.

      1/5th into the 21st century and we still can’t get along without the what is in it for me??? or I feel and I think are considered FACT.


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