Should you work to get welfare?
Republicans in the House of Representatives say yes. It’s the right answer.
House Republicans passed their proposal to raise the debt ceiling Wednesday, and they’ve rallied around work requirements for able-bodied childless adults on Medicaid and food stamps.
This is a smart policy that will save taxpayers billions, strengthen our economy at a critical moment and even put Social Security and Medicare on stronger financial footing.
It’s also smart politics, enjoying overwhelming support from Americans of every political stripe.
The last time the Republican Party seriously mobilized on work requirements was 30 years ago.
In the 1990s, the GOP worked with a Democratic president to fundamentally reform welfare.
They helped millions of Americans move from government dependence to financial independence, finding the dignity and opportunity that come with work.
Yet in the past decade — especially since the pandemic’s start — welfare has again been divorced from work.
The consequences are as painful as they were predictable.
At least 35 million able-bodied adults are getting government support without having to work, train or volunteer.
Idiocracy the movie covered this
If you have a full time job, you shouldn’t need to be on welfare. Expecting employers to pay a minimum wage shouldn’t be controversial. It’s 2023, not 1923.
The turd started this downward trend by expanding welfare, food stamps, and giving out cell phones….all things paid for by the hard-working middle-class. The resulting resentment started the divisiveness that remains and grows to this day!
Make people that can, work!