To make matters worse, she used a non-profit called Horizons Delmarva as a vehicle to justify the capital improvement of a private school at the taxpayer’s expense by claiming that the amphitheater would be used by low-income children that attend a summer camp held at The Salisbury School, which already has a stage and an auditorium. The original request was for $140,075, but Carozza could only secure $95,000, which will have to suffice for an amphitheater. According to the legislative bond, The Salisbury School wishes construct the amphitheater to accommodate an audience of up to 3,000 as defined in the application. That’s a number that far surpasses any amount of low-income camp attendees or parents that would turnout for a child performance. That’s because there’s a bigger picture.

There are a few obvious reasons:
1. To solicit campaign donations from wealthy elitists who send their kids to TSS.
2. She would be able to utilize the amphitheater for her political events.
3. Her sister-in-law serves as Director of Admissions for The Salisbury School.
4. For personal gain.
She’s an absolute disgrace. Always knew she was doing stuff like this and just a matter of time. We rarely see honest people in the elected seat anymore, always exploiting the people they are supposed to be representing. Also shame on Salisbury School for going along with it.
How about Joe Biden ??? Quid Pro Quo & TREASON ????
Oh , guess Biden is above the LAW like Hillary , Obama , Kerry , Rice , Lynch , Pelosi , Schumer
Schiff, Nadler, AOC+3 , Comey , Clapper, Brennan , McConnell . Pence , Romney , Maxine Waters , & Many More Democrats & Rinos !!!!!
Mary Beth is always going around to different events with her phony smile while BS-ing, grandstanding, and petting the people. This is the kinda stuff we need to scrape off our shoe. Why do we keep electing the same people? When we find where her money comes from, we can see who she’s really representing. Just look at her campaign donations…..
At least she is doing SOMETHiNG for the Eastern Shore besides sponsoring section 8 housing. What are the others doing for us?? And don’t let this loud mouth tell you that only “rich” kids go to the private schools. That is “disinformation” on a political scale.
Any person who has lived on the Eastern Shore for a long time can be accused of Nepitism. My own “relatives” number in the hundreds, going back several generations. We are the infamous BORN HERE’S. And proud of it..
lol, “proud of it”
proud of the ugly you have made of your community
not quite the plaque I want hanging on my wall.
Dems will do anything to get rid if a Republican.
Lie Cheat Steal !!!!
This is the result of the Democrats working against an affective Republican. Look no farther than the Democrats to find massive abuse of taxpayer funds “usually in the name of equity or social justice”.
This is not a democrat or republican thing. Corruption is on every isle. This is about an inside job and doing the wrong thing. MBC did the wrong thing while exploiting people. There’s no covering that up as the records prove that. Denying that out of loyalty makes a choice out of ignorance. Plus there are those who feel that they have to save face because they donated to her campaign. Those that enable this are part of the problem.
Yeah, I find it interesting that the guy who was in charge of the whole State (Larry Hoagie) had his chief of staff snuffed for looking too close over his shoulder.
if a private school needs funding, why dont the private upper echelon special people fund it themselves
If the middle school is falling apart, why don’t they do some maintenance on it? What does the public school have to do with a private school anyway? Seems like someone is trying to muddy the waters with reverse logic..
The application states they have been assisting this program for about 20 years; she’s only been in office for a few of those years. It’s a specious claim. I smell Soros fanboys and fangirls with nothing productive to do behind this bogus claim.
And horror of horrors, the Dem Senate and Dem House approved it and the Dem Governor signed it; co-conspirators all.
By their reasoning, if an elected representative voted money to paint the Bay Bridge or repave a section of Rt 50 and a relative by marriage crossed the bridge or drove the highway thus benefitting from the improvement the representative should be investigated!!
Doesn’t even qualify as weak tea!
When religious based private schools/organizations want a percentage of taxpayers dollars they should get none until they start paying their fair share of taxes.
Salisbury School has no religious affiliation. It is a nonprofit, but it’s in no way, shape, or form tied to a religion.
Non profit is non profit.
She was very pro Maryland Justice Reinvestment Act, which is one of the biggest piece of crap legislation ever passed… I argued with her about it once… she thinks it is the best thing since sliced bread…look at crime in Maryland… unfortunately, I was the correct one…it did nothing but hurt this state.
THE one committed that only RICH KIDS go there is misinformation does not know what they are talking about. I attempted to get my DAUGHTER in there 10 years ago and I could not afford their tuition and other expenses and my income was 70,000 a year.. The students there were at that time the ELITE. MARY BETH has done nothing for for all TAX PAYER. WHERE does she stand on GUN RIGHTS and other CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. She does not talk about that. I voted for her since she was labeled REPUBLICAN. That will not happen again.
She’s a low life crook, like all politicians. Where is that big smile now??? She puts on a goody-goody act, but now her true colors are showing through.
Quick name something Sample-Hughes has done for the shore. Oh wait, she just votes the same way everyone from the western shore does. Our tax dollars go to way worse things we probably never find out about. Do I like it? Certainly not, I can’t afford to send my kid to TSS why should I pay for anything there?
You should always be concerned when an outsider moves into the area, and gets on boards and committees. Do you research on the person, they most always have an agenda. Locals need to get involved with what is taking place in their own district. Open your eyes everyone before the land and the state we love is gone or even worse our country is gone. It’s not that far away!
Funniest comment ever.
Fear the stranger, while the locals are ripping you off , and doing back door deals and don’t have an agenda??
Wake up stupid.
I am waiting for more information rather than rushing to judgment.
Ms. Carozza has been a great representative for her district. I believe she is honest and caring.
local good ol boy norm sure did his best to fund the state indoctrination schools and look where they are now? not to mention the tidy little pension he pulled for no show work!
Buying votes, that’s what it’s all about. Both sides do it but the Republicans are mere amateues compared to the Democrats. All grant money should be eliminated in my opinion. Why should tax payers be footing the bill for any organization that is unable to support itself? I believe the grant money was set up by legislators just for the purpose of doling out money to the voters. Again, it’s vote buying.
I believe she has done a good thing . open your eyes people ,
The Salisbury School for many years has been providing educational opportunities at their own expense for public school kids under the Horizon summer program. The kids who have participated in the Horizon summer program has proven better outcomes than other public school kids. The author of the sensetional news needs to dig deeper and see the benefits of the Horizon program and the outcomes for the participating kids. Isn’t it ironic the amount of tax payers money spent on public education and a private school, which cost nothing to tax payers, takes the initiative to help the failing of a public education system!!! The mentioned amphitheater is a summer classroom for use by Horizon.
The Salisbury School has provided over many years, at its own expense its facilities for the Horizon summer program. The Horizon program is a summer educational program that provides public school students educational opportunities for better outcomes such as High School graduation and college opportunities. Isn’t it ironic that a private institution which does not get any public funding provides its facilities to public school students. The public schools and their tax payer funded lavish facilitues remain closed in the summer and a private school opens its facilities for the failing public school students. The amphitheater is a summer classroom to be used by Horizons. The author needs to dig a bit deeper and address the outcomes of public education and elighten the readers on Horizon’s work, than misinform and sensetionalize news for readership’s sake.
The amphitheater is for Horizons students. Summer classroom, hot, blazing sun. What about the other 40 or so weeks a year? No ticketed events that benefit the school? I don’t have a problem with my tax dollars going towards it. Using the Horizons program to frame its necessity is the wrong way to go about it.
It was here yesterday, it is here today and it will still be around tomorrow.
Its a big deal when caught, then the next line takes over and it happens again.
I don’t believe that MaryBeth Carozza is corrupt. On the contrary, she is ethical and hard working. She has done a great deal for the eastern shore.
This accusation seems trumped up.