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Biden Mumbles Through Remarks in Rose Garden Speech, Kisses Nancy Pelosi on the Lips (VIDEO)

Joe Biden on Tuesday was seen in public for the first time in several days after returning from a taxpayer-funded vacation in Ireland.

Biden wore sunglasses as he delivered remarks from the Rose Garden on his abysmal economy and his admin’s efforts to help families access healthcare.

Joe Biden on Monday signed an executive order containing more than 50 directives to ‘improve access to child care.’

80-year-old Joe Biden mumbled through his remarks and slurred his words for 15 minutes before shuffling away to sign the sweeping executive order.

After signing the executive order Biden mingled with the crowd.

Biden then walked over to speak with lawmakers and kissed Pelosi.



11 thoughts on “Biden Mumbles Through Remarks in Rose Garden Speech, Kisses Nancy Pelosi on the Lips (VIDEO)”

    1. We need a FOURTH Branch of Govt to POLICE the other THREE !!!! Hire & Fire Authority !!!!!
      2 Term Limits a MUST for ALL !!!

  1. Prices Double & More
    Pipelines Closed
    Border OPEN
    Benefits given to ILLEGALS / Allowed to Stay
    Afghanistan Debacal
    Ukraine War
    Ruining America in the name of GREEN

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