As many of you know the VFW in Powellville closed about a year ago. Once I learned about the closing I immediately started searching this property, (including realtors) and had been told a story how a local family donated the land and the VFW was going to return the property back to the original owners. This story was completely untrue.
The building was originally owned by the state in which the building because a school. When the school closed the state returned the property to Wicomico County. The county then sold the building/property to the VFW for a one dollar donation to a NON PROFIT, (501C3).
I just learned a local family purchased the property for $55,000.00 and the VFW is allegedly going to donate those funds to local Fire Departments. It is my understanding the sale may be illegal as they must list it for sale or auction. These are several of us who would’ve paid far more for this property and some of us are up in arms and are interested in retaining an attorney/s to stop this Good Ol’ Boy under the table sale. One friend even said they would’ve paid $100,000.00 for it and they didn’t even want it.
It’d unfair to the taxpayers of Wicomico County to allow this sale to go through and it should be stopped or file an injunction.
More to come as this isn’t over…
Finally someone posts on it….once it’s too late!
The bylaws of the vfw should have provided for this event , assuming they were written by a qualified professional. The state of MD would have them on file for all to see.
Waaaaa !!! What happened to the TANK ??? We may need it someday !!!!
Danny Hammond removed the tank. It’s sitting on his property
There was a lot of blood sweat and tears building the VFW for the veterans and there families to be there to help veterans in need and helping the community out
But as we all know it takes one bad apple to ruin the bunch
But hopefully things will become clear and the VFW post can go back to its original format
So sad things have to turn so evil.
God bless all the veterans and their families the one that are serving and the that have served and the ones that are no longer with us
AMEN !!!
God bless them all !!
Voters may need that TANK on Jan 06 2024 !!!! LOL LOL
The Jones family was the original owners of the VFW property, and the land immediately surrounding it. That parcel was donated to Wicomico County to build the Powellville Elementary School. Years after the county closed the school is when the VFW acquired the property.
The land actually came from 2 separate families. Part of it came from John Adkins and part of it from Henry Jones. They gave it to the Board of Education on August 6, 1936. That became the Powellville School. The Board of Education turned it over to the Wicomico County Council on May 8, 1979. The VFW (Eastside Memorial) purchased it on April 10, 1992 for the price of $23,500. It is appraised by the County for almost $180,000. So why it sold for only $55,000 is unreal. I’m sure if it had been put out on bids it would have went for much more. And that money could have gone back into the community. But why sell a building if it is paid for? Unless there is more to be told!
The VFW sold the property, it was sold back to the original owners of the property. If the VFW wants to ask 55 or 155 it is there business. In 1992 why did Wicomico County not give the parcel back to the family. The Jones family still resides in Powellville.
You mean families….
If sold, that money only has a few options…go to the State VFW, go back into the community or go to the VFW officers pockets. Hopefully it goes back into the community. That being said, $155,000 would help the community more than $55,000. I understand that the 2 families donated it. But I know I had a similar issue with my families farm. I purchased it at the appraised price as I knew I wanted it back in my family. So it helped my family and the seller. I think the issue here that has upset so many in the VFW and Auxiliary is the underhanded way it was handled.
I am so confused. It was my understanding it was about to be reopened with Auxiliary Members. There were special meetings and elections. So WHO authorized the sale?? Who was the actual owner of the property? Who actually purchased the property and what is their intent with the property? Is this property actually considered a Historic location?
The VFW Auxiliary and not the same as the VFW. They support the VFW officers. However, the most recent VFW officers refused to meet with the new VFW Auxiliary. The current VFW Auxiliary is the fastest growing in the State of MD. However the VFW officers would not cooperate to use them as a resource. The VFW officers authorized the sale to Reese Jones. Not the Auxiliary. It belonged to Eastside Memorial Post 2996.
Maybe Reese will build another log cabin and let it rot and fall to the ground along with The Marshall Plaza in downtown Powellville.
The auxiliary is supposed to support the men VFW. It was posted earlier it’s been closed for 1 year. Money the auxiliary makes is supposed to go to the Men VFW.
That is not true they didn’t even know about the auxiliary until it was seen on FB.
They did know. The Auxiliary sent several letters to the Commander (that were signed for) asking them to join our meetings and Christmas cards to all officers. The Auxiliary asked to help and the Commander would not respond. The Auxiliary was in several parades and asked them to join….no response. They wanted to help them. Several offered to go in and clean and get the building ready to reopen. But got no response. Both the regional and State VFW officers notified them of this. So that falls on the officers who received the letters and phone calls for not relaying it to the members.
I am so confused. It was my understanding it was about to be reopened with Auxiliary Members. There were special meetings and elections. So WHO authorized the sale?? Who was the actual owner of the property? Who actually purchased the property and what is their intent with the property? Is this property actually considered a Historic location?
What needs to happen is the community to help and support the VFW Eastside memorial post 2996 as the VFW has supported the community and the surrounding communities for many years
Helping the veterans and there families be supported and a place to call home just remember if it wasn’t for are veterans we would not be free
Go out and support a veteran today
MSP wants that tank to shoot Radar on Rt 50 this summer !!!!!!
We all know how rumors spread like wild fire . What we need is someone that is/was a higher up personal on the VFW POST SIDE to explain everything that is going on and not play the old game “telephone” where it goes down the line and time it gets to the little people it’s the wrong information . Just come out and tell the truth and don’t beat around the bush …. We all are adults . Yes we not like the truth but that’s something we may or may not be able to fix . The community is concerned about a long historical place that has been there for over 30 years ….. give us some answers …
Another question would be what happened to all the items inside the building. I know they had fully functional commercial kitchen equioment, banquet tables, beer and drink coolers, bar stools and several high end picnic tables. Were they sold and if so what happened to that money, or were they just given to members and if so, how were they chosen? Just sounds like there was a lot more value there than $55K.
That would be a good question for the VFW officers to answer. They made that decision. Specifically, Mr. Holloway.
As a powellville resident i know only what heard….VFW was in financial trouble?YES? Employees were possibly tipping in the funds?YES? Drugs being brought there (in brownies)?YES? Even heard of a possible sexual confrontation happening?YES? So now that its closed , sold…. you want to worry about it? The new owner will do it good for the community not likely if sold for possible more money maybe tore down developement there NO, maybe a local bar NO, if sold you do as u wish and there may be no building there at the end….is that whats wanted here?
It is very unfortunate what happened to the Eastside Memorial. The original directors and commander worked hard to bring this civic group to the community. Who remembers the carnival, log cutting days, fishing derby, scholarships and the list goes on. Unfortunately, it fell in the wrong hands when it came to leadership. It was their demise including the auxillary. The focus shifted and now you have the result. The auxillary, defunct, can only function when connected to a vfw. They don’t have that unless a vfw takes them in. It’s a new season for the property. Hopfully lessons are learned from this and all can move on.
It was known that the new auxiliary wants those family functions returned to the town. But the new VFW officers, not so much. Sometimes people let personal gain get in the way of the community. What a shame.
Information is now coming out that there are now investigations being done by not only the VfW National Organization but the Md State Police and Dept of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. It appears they are asking members and citizens to come forward with any information whether known fact or rumor. That must certainly mean criminal activity of some sort and the evident misappropriation of the ceremonial rifles and tank.
I recently talked to the new owner.
And he said that the family gave the property to build the school.
They have first reservations about it being available. It’s basically back in the ownership of one of the family members.