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Horrible Experience At Crabcake Factory West OC

The other day we decided to try something different so we headed over to the Crabcake Factory in West OC. We sat at the bar and our bartenders name was, (get this) LaLa. Yeah, we were in LaLa land that evening.

My friend and I were in a conversation when the Gavin Knupp subject came up. Here in West OC the locals talk about the Crabcake Factory and how they push the sale of wrist bands, bumper stickers and donations for the Justice for Gavin group. This is something the locals around here do not like, especially the pressure. Well all of a sudden LaLa comes over and says, we don’t talk about those things here. I immediately looked at her and said, excuse me! In case you didn’t hear me correctly, people stopped coming here because staff continues to push paraphernalia and she replied, I don’t want to discuss it. Again I replied, we aren’t talking to you. 

Her cocky attitude drove us to immediately ask for our tab as we were out of there for good. We were not loud, there were only 6 people at a very large bar and I know we couldn’t hear what they were discussing so I’m pretty confident they couldn’t hear what we were saying. LaLa wanted to make sure we clearly understood there would be no negative talk about the Justice for Gavin stuff at that bar. 

So you see Folks, it isn’t that this particular location is cursed with failure. This location, (previous businesses) has always had crappy management and staff that are not inviting and friendly. In order to be successful in this business, (trust me, I know) you have to welcome everyone. Clearly you can’t make every customer happy but professionals know when to keep their big mouths shut even when they disagree. 

84 thoughts on “Horrible Experience At Crabcake Factory West OC”

  1. The death of this young boy is a terrible tragedy and I feel for his parents but what needs to be said is these people caught up in the “ Justice for Gavin “ constantly look for someone to attack with the woke mob mentality we’ve seen it time and time again going after people completely not involved with the case but if you happened to know any of the people involved the publicity attack you or scream at people going to a restaurant to eat because someone may have known someone. You people have tarnished this young man’s memory and made it all about you

    1. No the woke Mob are liberals like anyone who backs the cover up. Liberal trash that believe criminals should go free! The Justice for Gavin group are real conservatives unlike the author of this garbage!

    2. The Crab Cake Factory is a joke. Every restaurant who puts JFG in their signs are just trying to take advantage of the situation. There are other ways to support. How about making a donation to the foundation? I doubt that will happen. These restaurants just want Ortt to fail and reap the benefits of filling their seats.

      1. Crabcake Factory West people were very vocal and helped put Coastal Smokehouse out of business. They will regret it now as all their customers will flock to the new Smokehouse restaurant. Watch their numbers go down for awhile. I could only hope it puts them out of business. Restaurants should stay out of local politics.

        1. They def didn’t help anything go out of business. This buyout was happening regardless of how many signs are put out.

  2. Trouble is, if the if this this vengeance thing stops and people become congenial (like the “born here natives”), the flow of money donations will dwindle and die. Maybe this is a thought that is forbidden by the thought control police..?

    1. How do you say, I don’t know how non-profit charity foundations work without saying I don’t know how non-profit charity donations work…

    2. trinkets?
      You ain’t right in the head. I hope no one in your family is murdered— or worse, by someone everyone knows did it but they go on living their lives with no consequences

  3. Follow the money trail. Anybody want to donate to the “gofundme”, or the “memorial fund”, or the “scholarship fund” or the Justice fund”??

  4. That whole group continuously need someone to hate “ do as we say or else “ then they post on social media to try and ruin individuals their business or job and anyone that may work there . Losers

      1. The only people you guys should attack is Ralph and his family but the Mob wanted to attack a company that Ralph bought out and has an order that Ralph and his family cannot step foot on properties. Your gang makes up lies to fuel bullshit.

    1. If you would just tell the police what you know it would be over! Then maybe you could save your other businesses

      1. It sounds like you are referring to Matt here. Why would you think he knows anything more than you do? He wasn’t there that night, and you think Ralph is running his mouth about that night? I’m sure his lawyer told him not to say a word to anyone. Still, if Ralph did say something about it to anyone, that info doesn’t help the case, it’s not admissible in court as it’s hearsay. Not sure what people want out of Matt. He apologized for his bad judgement in trusting his partner, and that is all he is guilty of. I think people want to hate because it makes them feel part of a cause, when I’m reality they are just part of a problem.

      2. Did it occur to you that maybe Matt Ortt did? You guys should be after Ralph and his family. Attack him – they were the drivers.

      3. Did you ever think that maybe Matt Ortt did tell the police everything he knows but it is still under investigation??? YOU people try to ruin Matt – who has given back to this community -twice fold. You want to blame someone- go target the real criminals- Ralph and his family.

  5. I was there for a third time with bad food and “Fluzys” at the bar……..tourist trap

    They will not live the off season

    1. No anyone who thinks that is the asshat. The Asshats are the ones backing the ones covering up a crime. Most people believe in Justice. Evil People like you are what’s wrong with this world!

      1. I believe in justice but your group targets people that had nothing to do with it . One person was attacked for wishing the restaurant owner a happy birthday two years before the hit and run… ridiculous

    2. You my dear are a complete moron! All the anonymous entries! 🤔 God works in mysterious ways and so does Karma!

    3. All we Justice for Gavin supporters just want the responsible party and everyone that has helped them cover up this crime, to be punished to the full extent after dragging this child’s family thru Hell for so long.

  6. The JFG mafia should wield their powers of persuasion to convince someone to release the medical examiner’s report, specifically the toxicology report, and reveal the location of the party where alcohol was allegedly available to 14 year olds. There’s a lot of evidence not making its way to the public forum due to it not fitting certain narratives.

    1. What about driver evidence 6:19, where is that. So far the driver remains anonymous among us citizens. Why hasn’t the driver been charged along with the conspirators hiding evident in this homicide.

      1. It was not a homicide. It was an accident where an impaired teenager walked into the path of a vehicle while another vehicle was on the side of the road shining it’s headlights into oncoming traffic.

          1. you don’t have to had been there to understand the difference between murder and an a accident

    2. This will not see the light of day. No one wants to paint the picture of a 14 yr and 16 yr old high on drugs and drunk. Nor do they want the info on where the party was held.

  7. Does anyone remember the owner of the Crab Cake Factory and his involvement in making porn movies at his previous restaurant in OC?

    1. Didn’t he also get charged with not paying his employees what he owed them, and didn’t he go through bankruptcy? I’m thinking it’s this guy.

  8. I cant be the only person who has noticed that certain questions are never asked or answered. Like why was a 16 year old even allowed to drive a 14 year old so late at night? Diversion of parent neglect perhaps? ALL parents? Where exactly were they coming from? I wonder if all the haters were previously fired for being poor employees?

    1. Dianna Cantler

      So you’re saying because someone is 16 out at night he deserves to be hit and killed by a car. ? There should be no need for a explanation an for that to be the first thing to come to mind says alot. In OC during tourists season there are many many 16 yr Olds working and walking home “at night”.

      1. What this person is stating is maybe the 14 year old was so high on drugs that he didn’t see the car coming. Yes, they should have stopped. Not saying anything about that but the kids at the party did say there were drugs and alcohol everywhere at the party.

    2. Minors can drive passengers who are under 18 if they are related to the minor. This means they are a spouse, sibling or other family member who lives in the same house.

    3. What a repulsive and disgusting comment. Blaming the victim while the murderer WAS DRINKING AND HAS PRIOR WRECKLESS DRIVING CHARGES.
      Low class wicked and evil. Hiding behind a computer screen.

    4. They were coming from a party in Glen Riddle. No one is talking about that. Did anyone check the blood alcohol level or drug use of the kids? The lie of picking him up from a house in Assateague is a coverup. No one lives in Assateague. The party was held by a prominent realtor in town. So I’m sure that won’t see the light of day.

    5. Why were they at a party with alcohol before the accident? Why is this never mentioned? Why was a 16 year old girl out driving at 11 pm at night stopping in the middle of a dark road after being at a party? It is tragedy and whomever was driving that car was a coward who should be in jail, that being said the Knupp hate machine is out of control.

  9. Not all of us # justice forgavin supporters are vile. I personally choose not to support certain establishments. I will not spew hatred though to anyone. I’m still waiting for closure for the family. No one knows how you would act if you were the family or friend of a child killed in a hit and run!

    1. Evrryone morons for Gavin. If the State’s Attorney would do her job this would all be moot. And what about the late night murder in W. OC a couple of months ago?? One thing is clear, our public officials that are supposed to protect us are either incompetent or are compromised.

    2. It’s all on their Facebook page… The kooks of the group constantly attacking people unrelated the group should ban them

    3. Why does the mob go after Matt Ortt and his family? He was not driving the car. Go after Ralph and his family. Seems as though you all want to shut down his business bc you can’t shut down Ralph.

  10. It’s not because some kid got killed crossing the street. This area has been declining for some time. You can’t even buy caramel corn except on weekend days anymore at the north end . Pharmacy drive-up windows are closed on weekends (and for lunch). The days of spending a cheap couple days at the beach are gone. Food prices to dine out are 50% higher than they were just 2 years ago. Buses and Trams will cost 20% more this year. I even spotted a Casino courtesy bus trolling for gamblers all the way up at 144th street.

  11. Phil McCracken

    Everyone should repost the old sby post about the mom bitching about cops sitting outside a bar and that being entrapment and all the hilarious comments that followed all over fb and their page lol

  12. If your a conservative you should be appalled by this article. The fact that Justice has not been served to Gavin is unbelievable. It’s all because of power, money, and corruption. There things conservatives hate. If you say “follow the money” then follow it. You won’t find a thing. Like many other comments I’m sure mine won’t be approved. Media sensor-ship…. How conservative. (Approve it, prove me wrong)

  13. Evrryone morns for Gavin. If the State’s Attorney would do her job this would all be moot. And what about the late night murder in W. OC a couple of months ago?? One thing is clear, our public officials that are supposed to protect us are either incompetent or are compromised.

  14. Everyone morns for Gavin. If the State’s Attorney would do her job this would all be moot. And what about the late night murder in W. OC a couple of months ago?? One thing is clear, our public officials that are supposed to protect us are either incompetent or are compromised.

  15. oc is a sh!thole, and the local good ol boy mafia are the main reason for it being so.
    Do yourself and your family a favor and stay away! let them cater the the dregs of society from pa dc nj ny!
    They deserve each other!

  16. After reading these comments I have to say. It’s a “special” kind of person that takes offense to a group that wants to see a murderer brought to justice by campaigning against the people involved in the cover up.
    By calling them “woke” proves you have no idea what the word even means. You have no valid argument against what they’re doing, so you have to revert to victim blaming and name calling to make yourself feel better. That reveals alot about the kind of person you are.
    In regards to the “trinkets” you speak of, we are a tight community who try to help each other out when we can. I have lost count of how many penny jars I have seen at registers accepting donations for someones surgery, house fire, lost loved one, financial situation, ect. Do they anger you also? If so, maybe you forgot where you came from before all your success.

    1. Oh suck a big one nobody wants the perp to go free but the Nazi style group for Gavin are jackasses bullying people unrelated to the crime . A bunch of misfits and screwups that found a purpose to their pathetic lives

  17. Do you know what is truly the MOST devastating part of this entire tragedy? A child lost his life. A family grieving, but not really being able to do so because this WHOLE ordeal is constant ringing in their ears. From every which way the wind blows. The difference between the JFG movement, and the rest of the world is simply this: everyone wants JUSTICE FOR GAVIN, but the bitter taste left in peoples mouths is simply because of the malicious need/want/URGE to put hundreds of innocent people (WITH FAMILIES SUCH AS YOURSELF) out of work. ALL OF WHOM had NOTHING to do with that horrifying evening. Children of people that do work at those locations being bullied endlessly at school. Individuals who wake up every morning, work their bones to dust to give everyone in the community a great experience, only to walk into the local grocery store in their work uniform and are CONSISTENTLY met with looks or comments that are undeserving. The trickle-down effect IS real. And it starts in the home. Or lack there of.
    You get one shot at this thing called life. I firmly and confidently believe that every single person on BOTH sides of this ridiculous stand-off want nothing BUT Justice for Gavin. I just hope we all can come together. Every single nasty little thing said, written on social media, or even heard just simply sitting next to a stranger anywhere has an impact. I’m disappointed in all of the adults on this specific playing field primarily because all of your/our/my kids are watching and listening closely. I know we’re all sitting in a tiny habitat down here (which I couldn’t love anymore than I already do) but please remember every single thing you say, type, spread, and react to has a consequence. These kids deserve better. As well as Gavin and his family and all employees of these establishments who are working tirelessly to feed their families. It’s not that complicated. Do better.

  18. Will the Crab cake factory be banning Bud light and all bud products for aligning with transgender people which is canceling real women??? Does CCF side with Transgender or real women???

  19. A friend of mine found an old post on here about Tiffany from several years ago. She had complained on Facebook about police hanging out at Mojos to “ entrap” people there for a drink after work. She got destroyed by those comments. Apparently she had a horrible reputation in Salisbury, drinking at a different bar every night, and someone went as far to say that she left her underage children at home alone. So I’m wondering, how much of her manic grief stems from guilt? And the foundation? Please. All those cash sales are not going into the foundation. But, I’m sure the people buying the merchandise don’t care, they would be happy for her to have the $$. She posted on the DIFG page last night that all these different people are not victims. Apparently she can be the only victim ever. Seems to me Mr Ortt, his family and employees are also victims of Ralph. I’m afraid of what will happen when the state police determine the accident was pedestrian error. That whole bunch will go in melt down mode.

    1. This incident could very possibly be pedestrian error, but the cover up and hiding evidence was not an error. Charges must be brought

  20. Once justice is served (police finally get an arrest; court cases; convictions and jail) then what will everyone do and talk about?

    No really? Will a cry for an ivestigation into how long the investigation took? Will there be screams for firing h defectives….the lawyers? Will businesses that supported through merchandise or rallies be investigated? Will businesses that shyly looked the other way and said nothing be investigated?

    I just want to know where all this energy will go next. I know a bridge on route 50 that badly needs replacing. In a other year and a half, city hall in OC needs new blood. New rules of the 21st Century are badly needed. There are roughly 8k eligible voters in OC but over 100k property owners (and growing) newer mindset is needed.

    The positive momentum of Justice, needs to continue…not fizzle out like so many other efforts.

    1. They are still going to be crying because they are not going to get the public lynching that they want. Because someone will be charged with hit and run and not 1st degree murder.

  21. WOW, 61 posts. HOT TOPIC.
    Funny how people toss around the term WOKE and no one seems able to define it.

  22. I can understand the pain this has caused but cant understand what the group is actually accomplishing. The protests aren’t hindering a business or causing one to close, Smokehouse was being sold and its the off season of course parking lots are empty. The entire 2023 summer season will have signs of #doitforgavin not #justiceforgavin which is unique in itself but will also have a negative vibe to all the vacationers that come here. There was a booth at the home and garden show, a show were people go to become excited about the spring and summer seasons not to get involved with this investigation. If your a business in Ocean City who doesn’t participate in the “movement” you can plan on been bashed by people who are only following the crowd. Anyone with any type of financial literacy can see the 501 c3 is not being used properly. Just saying that something is a 501 c3 doesn’t mean anything, Rolex is also a 501 c3 and they clear millions each year. The term “murder” has been misused, in no way was this accident a murder, it was an accident that a young man lost his life. Its sad that this accident is literally forcing the community to join a side and I cant imagine this would be what Gavin would want, a community torn apart.
    All this talk about how much money these people have, in reality they just run a few businesses they are far from Ocean City elites. They don’t have that get away with a crime money.
    The sadness of a poor young man losing his life is heart wrenching, I hope for closure for this family soon.

  23. Any establishment that is still posting Justice For Gavin after witnessing these nut jobs on social media will never get any of my hard earned money. I feel terrible for Gavin but these nuts are too much and their leaders, the “parents” have tarnished everything.

    1. 1000% agree. I intentionally will not go to these places who use justice for Gavin as a marketing technique. A child’s death should not be a opportunity for profits.

  24. Same with our family. A couple of businesses are ones we used to frequent, Smokers will be sad to give up. That was an office lunch option as well as grabbing dinner on the way home.

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