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Biden admin won’t rule out gun confiscation; calls Americans owning AR-15s ‘unacceptable’

President Joe Biden’s administration refused to rule out gun confiscation this week after a transgender shooter attacked a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, leaving three children and three adults dead.

During a White House press briefing, a reporter asked press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre if Biden supports “not just banning the sale and manufacturing of semiautomatic weapons, but further than that, confiscation.”

“Let me just be very clear: what we’re talking about, AR-15s, these assault weapons ban, they are weapons of war and they should not be on the streets across the country in our communities, they should not be in schools, they should not be in grocery stores, they should not be in churches,” Jean-Pierre said. “That’s what the president believes.”

The reporter pressed Jean-Pierre, adding that there are “25 million [AR-15s] out there in circulation in the homes of millions of Americans, and therefore you can’t ban them.”


9 thoughts on “Biden admin won’t rule out gun confiscation; calls Americans owning AR-15s ‘unacceptable’”

  1. oh look, some one confiscated her brain and Biden’s also! go get the guns from the criminals. i will keep my right to defend myself.

  2. what a frakin tool this idiot is! thank goodness he doesnt want to come after my F-15 and the nukes hanging on it!

  3. Go after GANGS CARTELS MAFIAS & LEAVE the Law abiding good people the hell Alone !!!!
    Criminals get ANY fkking GUN they want so go take them out !!!!
    Criminals guns will NEVER be confiscated so stop threatening Good People !!!

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