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‘All Bets Are Off’: Conservative Lawyers Say GOP Prosecutors Need to ‘Take Off Gloves’ Against Biden

It’s not just that former President Donald Trump was indicted by a grand jury. It’s that the indictment was over a seven-year-old case well past the statute of limitations at the state level.

But wait, a progressive, George Soros-backed prosecutor who represents one borough in the city of New York said. That state crime is actually a federal crime because it involved campaign finance violations. Except, as legal experts have noted, that prosecutor has no jurisdiction to enforce federal law.

But never mind all that. As the old saying goes, “you can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.” Now, the left thinks they’ve finally nailed their orange ham sandwich.

The problem: Turnabout is fair play. And now, conservative lawyers and judicial activists tell the New York Post it’s high time to start looking at who can indict President Joe Biden when he leaves office. And not just him, either.

“All bets are off. You can expect grand jury indictments of leftist politicians like Biden, [former House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and [Senate Majority Leader Chuck] Schumer as surely as night follows day,”  Tom Fitton, president of  conservative watchdog legal group Judicial Watch, told the Post.


2 thoughts on “‘All Bets Are Off’: Conservative Lawyers Say GOP Prosecutors Need to ‘Take Off Gloves’ Against Biden”

  1. TREASON by Biden !!!!! Open Border / Bribes from China,Ukraine,Russia / Afghanistan -leaving Americans
    Behind , Military gear in the Billions $$$ , Money in the Billions cash !!!!!!
    Closing Pipelines
    Raising Every PRICE in America
    Attacking our Freedoms , Gas Stoves , Light Bulbs , Lawn Mowers , What’s Next Week ???
    Dirty Election COUP 2020 installed in office
    Colluding with ENEMYS for Oil / Depleating our Oil Reserves / Stolen Top Secret Docs / Stop oil drilling
    Threaten Coal , GAS , Oil to shut them down for GREEN !!! Paying other countries $$$$ to be GREEN !!!!

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