NEWARK – The Worcester County Board of Education agreed to send state officials a second letter of opposition to a controversial state education bill.
The school board voted 6-1, with board member Elena McComas opposed, to send state officials a second letter of opposition to House Bill 119. The bill, which has drawn a variety of criticism in recent weeks, initially addressed health education but has been amended to give the state superintendent the authority to withhold funds from local school systems if they’re not following the guidelines set by the state.
“I feel like we need to keep the pressure on,” school board member Katie Addis said as she asked her peers to send another letter of opposition.
Numerous community members attended last week’s meeting to express opinions on House Bill 119. Speaker Jennie Rice expressed concern about the contents of the comprehensive health education framework the bill mandates.
“I cringe at the mention of these topics being introduced to our children,” Rice said. “It’s repulsive and demonic. Is it not the parents’ place to inform our own children when we feel the time is right? Are you not charged with educating our children on core subject matters?”
Dear readers,
The public schools should be entrusted to educate students in academic subjects only. Anything beyond that is the responsibility of the parent(s). I’m sure there will be many who disagree stating that many parents simply won’t engage their children this way, and I’m sure they are correct. However, when schools and school systems attempt to address issues such as the above mentioned, they deviate from their stated mission.