The chief of one of America’s largest teachers unions, who advocated for stay-at-home school during the pandemic and demanded more money for teachers to resume their duties, now apparently is an expert on preventing violence.
That’s according to comments from American Federation of Teachers union chief Randi Weingarten following a school shooting by a 28-year-old woman portraying herself as a man who shot up a Christian school, killing three children and three adults.
Her solution to school shootings? Gun confiscation.
A report from Fox News said her call came are part of her demands for an “assault weapons ban” following the school shooting in Nashville.
She demanded America follow the examples set by Australia and New Zealand.
In her words, “Today, we renew our call for common sense gun safety legislation, including a ban on assault weapons. This is an epidemic.
“It’s an epidemic that our great nation must solve. And how many lives will be shattered before we have the courage to do what Scotland did, what Australia did, what New Zealand did, what other great democracies do? We must solve this epidemic, and that’s up to us.”
United States Population 333,000,000
Firearms in the United States 400,000,000 and more being sold every day
GOOD LUCK dimocrats
NOT HAPPENING Dream on !!!! Go to Australia
Takes a Good Guy with a GUN to Stop a Bad Guy with a GUN !!!!! Govt will NEVER get the Criminal’s Guns so
WHY take the Good people’s Guns away ???? DUGH
All the WOKE talk about is taking the Good people’s guns !!!! They will NEVER get the Criminal’s guns
I remember the old days when screwball ideas like this were just ignored. Now the press is desperate for recognition and will print anything..
Interesting every time Democrats want to disarm the population. we have school shootings.
These appear planned by Democrats to seek sympathy to take guns away from law abiding citizens
Teachers don’t get to decide about GUNS !!!
TEACHERS agenda is teach COMMUNIST ANARCHY. THIS IDIOT is like all DEMON DEMOCRATS. They call for banning assault weapons which is government controlled. They don’t even know what the definition of an assault weapon is and they call themselves educated.
That loon is welcome to come knock on my door and try to take mine. My Uncle Sam taught me to shoot straight, and even at my advanced age, I’m pretty confident I’d hit the mark.
Send the single cops FIRST.
This ain’t Australia and we got (and kept) our freedom by KILLING the ones who tried to take it from us.
The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, buddy.
THEN, send the big mouth POLITICIANS to make the next move.
THEIR “next move”? Send SOMEONE ELSE. Just NOT their well-armed and dangerous bodyguards. THOSE guns are okay…..
Keep all your weapons loaded with maximum round capacity and keep them ready for action.
Just DON’T come to MY house at 4 am, dressed all in black, with AR’s strapped to your back.
My dog already let me know you are there and I’m scared to death of home invasion.
I’ll do what’s known as “taking the initiative”.