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We should abolish the police

The American police force is founded upon racism, anti-Blackness and white supremacy.

From 2013-2023, police killed 2,807 Black people.

Some of their names are:

Trayvon Martin, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Daunte Wright, Mak’hia Bryant, Khalil Azad, Tyre Nichols, Keenan Anderson, Sandra Bland, Rayshard Books, Tamir Rice, Botham Jean, Michael Brown, Philando Castile, Atatiana Jefferson and Yvette Smith.

Black people do not need police reform; they need police abolition.

Police departments evolved from slave patrols – groups of white men tasked with enforcing racist laws related to slavery in the South. They controlled and monitored enslaved people by eliminating slave uprisings and riots and returning enslaved individuals to their owners, among other tactics.

“They relentlessly and systematically enforced Black codes, strictly local and state laws that regulated and restricted access to labor, wages, voting rights, and general freedoms for formerly enslaved people,” according to the NAACP.

An institution so deeply rooted in white supremacy cannot be reformed.

Critics of abolishing the police draw on the false ideology that police prevent crime. Police presence has never prevented crime. Police are a response to crime, not a preventative tactic.

In 2017, the U.S. spent $115 billion on policing. Spending that much, it should be among the world’s safest countries with minimal crime.

There are plenty of alternatives to the police, an organization that cannot eliminate crime when it was not created to do so.

Alternatives to policing will help prevent crime and push this country closer to Black liberation. One alternative is mental health crisis teams. Police are not trained to handle mental health crises – altercations which often result in the death of the person struggling. Crisis teams would connect individuals with mental health professionals better equipped to support them.

Other alternatives include community mediation and diversion programs.


27 thoughts on “We should abolish the police”

    1. A “staff writer” at Salisbury University’s student newspaper allegedly wrote this. He or she is woefully short on supporting research and therefore the loose assumptions that pepper this whinefest, but gets an A for spelling.

  1. All people listed were CRIMINALS – and had no morals. So we are suppose to feel sorry for them?

    Get real, how about teach your community about following laws and stop using Racism as an excuse to get money.

  2. WTF? Ask older Black people in crime ridden neighborhoods if they want the police abolished. NO! They are victims of crimes more often than any other group.

  3. The rationality of the argument decreases immensely when the first name mentioned is incorrectly referenced. Trayvon Martin was not killed by the police. I quit as soon as I read that, so any valid points made were for naught.

  4. Ummm…hello dude…look at the actual statistics…more white people are killed by police each year that blacks are. Maybe start looking at the black on black crime in Chicago, where young black men are being gunned down daily by other young black men, Abolish the police…great idea! So you going to call a social worker when somebody is breaking into your home, assaulting your wife or child…you won’t have a gun because the government sure doesn’t want you to have one…you going to shout a pronoun at them to get them to stop? Idiots.

  5. Typical (not ignorant) but stupid fool JOSHUA WEEKS. But my answer to his question is “YES”. Let’s go ahead with this new social experiment and abolish the law enforcement officials, the police and let’s find out what happens. I know if anyone attempts to steal my property or attempts to cause harm to me and my family, they will be met with harsh and immediate consequences which I won’t need to be concerned with because, there won’t be any police to arrest me.

    Stupid idiotic fools.

    1. Amen. Are they really that ignorant? Abolishing the police would be the worse thing to happen to the thugs.
      They would be eradicated fairly swiftly.

  6. Uh….nope.

    The need is to abolish stupidity! Eliminate the stupid antics, maybe deaths by LEOs go down. But alas, cant fix stupid.

  7. Go ahead and abolish all police and law enforcement. When the thugs come to your door, shoot to kill with no fear of be arrested by the “abolished police”.

    1. Move out of Maryland

      Maryland is trying to oass. a law…

      anyone can break into your home , and take what they want…
      you’ll go to jail if you try to stop them

  8. hahahaha! this is what you came up with after paying for and attending SU? to damn funny. boy are you gonna be disappointed when no one hires your stupid ass! might want to abolish lawyers to so you cant sue su for fraud!

  9. Good people Don’t need the police !!! Only the BAD ones do !!! Go Ahead !!! The rest of us have a GUN !!!!

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