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Fat, Stupid, and Diverse

To lift a line from the immortal Dean Wormer: “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life…” here amended to fat and stupid.  Case in point, Alvin Bragg, now the Manhattan district attorney, and a guy who never met a calzone he didn’t eat.  Calzones deserve a better fate.

Bragg — who badly wants to carve up Donald J. Trump, but won’t — was boosted into office in November 2021 in yet another spasm of virtue signaling by the Rotted Apple’s smart set, and whose campaign was lubed by dollars from George Soros to the aptly named “Color of Change PAC.”

Bragg is another swell diversity hire.  They abound in America’s deteriorating cities.  And not incidentally — in fact, importantly — he’s a Soros and establishment sock puppet.  In going after Trump — and as of this writing, flailing conspicuously in his gambit — he’s paying his dues to the Man.  Diversity hire’s only requirement is doing the Man’s bidding.  Alvin is trying.

Bragg is a Happy Meal for the “diversity, inclusion, and equity” crowd.  Nothing brings bigger smiles to their faces than foisting unintelligent, untalented, poorly skilled “of color” or gender box checks on mostly “of color” Democrat-ruined urban communities around the country.  In NYC, it makes those fashionable, progressive Upper West Side dinner parties so… perky.

Other than the quixotic quest to get Trump, Bragg’s primary duty as a Soros sock puppet is to free mostly “of color” murderers, rapists, child molesters, gangbangers, and robbers.  Or not charge them in the first place.  Soros and his ilk demand it.  The riffraff are victims, after all, of “systemic white racism.”  Why, racial justice demands it.

Certainly, said victims of white racism would never, ever have murdered and raped but for whitey’s oppression.  The irony is — actually, it’s demonic more than ironic — when Bragg frees these scourges, where do they go?

Do they pack their bags for white precincts?  Suburban Topeka?  How about piney Fayetteville?  Hmm… Butte?  Nah.  They return to the brilliantly urban renewed slums from whence they crawled… return to terrorize and prey upon the “of color” denizens, who are struggling to survive another day.


1 thought on “Fat, Stupid, and Diverse”

  1. Monologue to Alvin Bragg and his cronies:

    “You’re all worthless and week! Now drop and give me 20!”

    … of course my preference would be 20 years in The slammer for those rats

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