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Dems KNEW Republican was innocent, but ‘tarred’ him anyway, McCarthy charges

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is blasting Democrats who deliberately “tarred” a Republican congressman with claims he led a “surveillance” mission through the Capitol before the Jan. 6 events, even though the evidence at the time confirmed their claims were wrong.

In an interview with Just the News, No Noise, McCarthy said the fact the Democrats’ special partisan committee regarding Jan. 6 made the false claim against Rep. Barry Loudermilk, of Georgia, makes him doubt many of the committee’s statements.

Loudermilk, now chairman of the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee, is planning to release evidence this week showing “House Democrats last year had Justice Department information, videotaped evidence and witness testimony that contradicted their high-profile and later debunked claim he helped Jan. 6 defendants case the Capitol a day before the riot,” the report explained.

McCarthy now has authorized the release of all the Capitol security footage from the day, and said it was troubling that the Democrats, led by Rep. Bennie Thompson, of Mississippi, and aided by now-defeated Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, “were willing to tar a sitting member of Congress when knowing the evidence showed he was innocent,” the report explained.

“This is really why I’m all about transparency. I’m trying to put everything out. Because everything I look at what the Jan. 6 committee did, they tried to put it in a scope of their own eyes, their own view where they wouldn’t even let Republicans on the committee,” he said.

“Then they tried to blame Barry Loudermilk for something he didn’t do, because Republicans weren’t on the committee. But we proved that it’s not true.”

He confirmed the evidence was available to Democrats, so they knew what they were charging was, in fact, a lie.

“I know they knew. And the one thing after they made that accusation we had [recently retired Rep.] Rodney Davis go out and show the tape, and even the Capitol Police came forward to the Sergeant at Arms and said this isn’t true.”

That, he warned, “puts into question everything else they have said.”


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