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REPORT: Half A Million Dollars Missing At Stacey Abrams Charity

The Stacey Abrams charity ‘New Georgia Project’ has a potential tax problem.

According to a new investigative report, the group is ‘missing’ $500,000. That’s not a small accounting error, it’s a possible crime.

Charities are carefully regulated when it comes to finances. They don’t just casually misplace hundreds of thousands of dollars, at least they’re not supposed to.

Stacey Abrams Charity Has a $500,000 Problem In Its Latest Tax Filing

Over half a million dollars is missing from the New Georgia Project, a discrepancy which experts say is grounds for state and federal investigations into the Stacey Abrams-founded group and the woman Abrams tapped to run it.

The New Georgia Project filed its 2021 Form 990 financial disclosure in January, two months after the form was due to the IRS, and three months after the charity’s board chairman fired CEO Nse Ufot, Abrams’s hand-picked leader for the group. In the disclosure, the New Georgia Project reports a $533,846 consulting payment and a $67,500 grant to the Black Male Initiative, an obscure charity run in part by Ufot’s brother, Edima, a former New Georgia Project employee.

But the Black Male Initiative says it never received any such consulting payment. The group provided the Washington Free Beacon with its IRS financial disclosures, which show it collected $0 in consulting income and just $255,000 in contributions from all sources in 2021.

The ethical questions raised by the missing money are the latest stumbling block for the embattled charity.


14 thoughts on “REPORT: Half A Million Dollars Missing At Stacey Abrams Charity”

    1. The story SU is peddling to TV and print media doesn’t pass the smell test in many ways.

      As a kid my folks would say ‘Where there’s a will there’s a way’.

      Someone or some group has their eye on the property and will come up with the cash to fix the problems. They could probably fix the purpose built museum for what they’ll spend moving to an inferior location, followed by declining attendance, creating the rationale to sell off the collection. Just a commonsense prediction.

  1. If she were put in prison, she’d be the warden inside of six months, plus owning the commissary and laundry contracts.

  2. Its like a mutated gene once in power then comes money corruption. Every single time. Baltimore, PG County, mayors, council members, Attorney’s Generals, District Attorneys. Every single time – then the crying starts until the expense listing hits the press.

    Off to jail with them, they are the biggest of the losers out there!

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