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Salisbury Maryland Police Chief Barbara Duncan To Resign

Chief Duncan will resign her position effective June 30th 2023. Your thoughts?

30 thoughts on “Salisbury Maryland Police Chief Barbara Duncan To Resign”

  1. Best news I have heard in years Jake not mayor and “Chief hug a thug” leaving. Now may we get real people who love Salisbury and it’s people and not try to turn us in to Annapolis or some place else. We love the Eastern Shore maybe we can get back things like the Farm & Home Show, fun things held in the City Park, low crime, fixed city roads, a clean up of boarded up houses, and pride we used to have. Maybe we can get back good police officers like Rich Webber, and Steve Sweigert to head things in the right direction. A return to people in the city not hearing gun shots fired at night, more people out in their yards enjoying the spring and summer just in general a more peaceful time, businesses returning to Salisbury, employment going up, some old stores reopening or new stores that are more family oriented. Those of us that are older would appreciate a return to peace.

      1. Steve Schweikert??????? What an idiot he was calling on his Police radio, “Officer Down!” when he actually had fallen off of his Police bicycle!!!!!! Had every Police agency in the area in a Panic!!

  2. Hope for a replacement better than Al Webster, a Baltimore PD internal affairs back stabbing politician who thought he was God’s gift to Salisbury. He thought so much of himself that he lived in Worcester and Somerset and ran for sheriff in Somerset after leaving Salisbury in disgrace. The voters down there saw him for what he was and mostly chose to ignore him. Good for them.

  3. Salisbury has had issues ever since Dykes left, he left because Tilghman wanted to be able to do what she wanted – with no one to ask questions. You will have to change from top-up to recover from all this mess. As far as the “Property Room” scandal, well there are many names that have left or retired and probably should have been reprimanded at the very least about this. If I was in jail from SPD and had a good lawyer my case would be dismissed, if the evidence is corrupted it all is gone. You had admin staff that was over the property room that left right after that mess started or just before that probably left for a reason? ALL kept quiet no real outcome other than Mo died and so did her husband. Yeah – clean house, top-up find someone with integrity not afraid of Mayor.

  4. Resigning for another job, or retiring?

    An uninspired hire to start with and it really never got better.

    Now Mr. Burns from Simpsons is mayor. Who will he hire or promote?

    Time to discuss ditching SPD and just have county police force? No conflicts of interest in asking the question, just desire return to safe streets and putting perps in ECI.

  5. Does this mean Krah Plunkert may be leaving as Chief of Fruitland PD? He was definitely interested in the position at SPD in the past. Is Ernie Leatherbury still a viable candidate since his DUI conviction? It would be refreshing to see a local candidate instead of some retired LEO who moved here from New York, New Jersey, PA, Baltimore, DC, etc.

    1. Hire someone who isn’t crooked..they let a heroin dealer bragging about the police helping him shoot out all my windows for 20 nights while I begged for help

  6. To 9:34-Steve Schweikert??????? What an idiot he was calling on his Police radio, “Officer Down!” when he had actually fallen off of his Police bicycle by accident!!!!!! Had every Police agency in the area in a Panic!! LMAO!

  7. We had Biden fall off a bike and fall up the stairs to a plan like 3 times in a row , turned around & talked to a flag, feels little girls, takes a 3 day weekend every weekend, and hide in a basement for 3 mos prior to an election—explain this cognative mess.

  8. I’m surprised that Rick Pollitt isn’t after the police chief job………right up his alley, a title, a big mahogany desk with an extra large, nice leather chair.,,,,,,one that leans back good so he can prop his feet up on the big desk. Perfect job for him.

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