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No to Nikki Harris

Wait, did I say Nikki Harris? I meant Nikki Haley, but it’s an understandable mistake. After all, as a good friend deep in politics recently pointed out to me, Nikki Haley is the Kamala Harris of the Republican Party. And now Nikki says she wants to be president, announcing her doomed candidacy with hilariously hackneyed and overwrought fanfare (“Now is the time for a strong and proud America!”), though everyone with half a cerebral cortex can see that she’s really just trying to position herself as the vice-presidential nominee when either Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis gets the nomination. It’s exactly the kind of cynical, shameless move this cynical, shameless striver would make – and that her Democrat doppelganger did make.

Like Kamala, Nikki is everything wrong with her party. Kamala is Hillary Lite, slightly less bitter, a lot dumber, but just as insincere. Nikki is Jeb! in a skirt, temperamentally establishment and soft, but much more ambitious and cunning than the human puffball who begged us to “Please clap” as he awaited what he expected would be a coronation.

Vapid. Overrated. Unaccomplished despite her credentials. Nikki Haley is the Peter Principle personified, a tiresome, empty pantsuit whose pure and shameless ambition compensates for her lack of talent. Both she and Kamala want to be president. An America dumb enough to allow either one to do so deserves the pain that will inevitably follow. Yeah, I’ll vote for her in the general if the GOP is nuts enough to nominate her, but observing that her moderate fecklessness is marginally better than whatever chump the communists throw at us is damnation with faint praise.

She’s really just our Kamala Harris with a different party label and no Montel Williams baggage. There was a time when Kamala was looked upon as a fearsome up-and-comer, a bright new talent from way out west who could unite disparate parts of the Democrat Party behind her. That was a long time ago. She was the attorney general in California, and she was awful, but luckily for Kamala, the objective consideration of a Democrat’s job performance is no longer a thing. Lucky for Pete Buttigieg, too – he’s an utterly untalented hack who has screwed up everything he touches – go to Ohio and take a deep breath and understand – yet he’s still counted as a first-rank potential nominee and Kamala’s main competitor. Anyway, Kamala inherited a Senate seat and simply showed up for a few years, voted for the approved nonsense throughout, and then ran for president. It was only then that the full extent of her mediocrity became known. She floundered, saved by Joe Biden, a man of legendary mediocrity who knows something about the utility of having a half-wit as one’s veep.


3 thoughts on “No to Nikki Harris”

  1. Have read mixed comments from SC residents about her time as governor there. Principally about letting I-95 deteriorate on her watch. Some comments about flag controversy.

    Think she performed well as UN Ambassador under Trump. Two major strikes in my view: She ran her mouth against Trump when she had stepped down to join the mob for her benefit, and a year back she said she wouldn’t run in 2024 if he was.

    Conclusion: Another politician with slightly more cred than Boss Hogg, which is a low standard to meet. Pass!

  2. Haley has a snowball’s chance in Hell of getting through the primaries. Anyone who donated to her campaign is full of wishful thinking.

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