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FNC’s Carlson: Everyone Qualifies for Biden’s ‘Many Protected Categories’ Except Straight White Men

Friday on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson criticized the Biden administration’s equity agenda.

According to the Fox News host, all qualified for a “protected category” under the Biden agenda except “straight white men.”

Carlson asked why white men would continue to pay taxes under this system.

CARLSON: Ever notice how the biggest stories get the least attention? Weird how that works. The fake duchess from Santa Monica spends an hour talking to Oprah about her skincare regime and it’s the lead of every morning show in America. Joe Biden institutes a government-wide system of racial discrimination that dwarfs Jim Crow and nobody seems to notice.

It happened yesterday, by the way. Did you know that? Probably not, because there was no press conference or signing ceremony, no media coverage, but 24 hours ago, it happened.

Biden restructured the entire executive branch of the US government to discriminate on the basis of immutable characteristics. He made that announcement on the white House website and it proclaims that within 30 days, every Federal agency — all of them from the Department of Justice to NASA, to the Social Security Administration — all of them all must “ensure” that they have an agency equity team within their respective agencies to coordinate the implementation of equity initiatives, and these Maoist equity teams will report to something called the Gender Policy Council and the white House “environmental justice officer.”

Does the environmental justice officer carry a sidearm? We don’t know actually.

We do know that running all of this, which is the largest racial tracking bureaucracy since the fall of Nazi Germany, will be former President Barack Obama and he’ll be doing that as always through his long-time lackey and cut out, Susan Rice.


11 thoughts on “FNC’s Carlson: Everyone Qualifies for Biden’s ‘Many Protected Categories’ Except Straight White Men”

  1. Straight white men are and have always been the bulk of the backbone of this country. The commies always gotta demonize the productive and encourage the useless. All part of the plan to divide and conquer.

  2. well with the clot shots, I think most of the mouth breathers are done for! only those intelligent enough to refuse those poisons will be left. Most likely white men! lmao!

  3. Today it is Okay to attack Whites all the time in America & that is WRONG !!!
    No White History Month
    No White Culture & History & Statues & Names & Flags Allowed
    No NAAWP
    No White Colleges
    No WET
    No White-ish Show
    No White Anything allowed

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