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Can we now have removal of bike paths that have never see cyclists,  round abouts, painted sidewalks , sticks on our roads, planters along streets with no plants just nuisance sticks.    Fix city streets from major  pot holes, boarded up houses that are falling down, check out the side of house at 313 Washington  & Jackson !!!!  No more festivals please  in high traffic areas.   Heath get something done quick or you’ll never see a whole term as mayor we have had enough!!!!

14 thoughts on “A Viewer Writes: <strong>SALISBURY POST JAKE DAY</strong>”

  1. What’s going on with Mill Street? When is repaving going to start? It’s the worst street in Salisbury by far.

    1. Rosalie Way in Salisbury needs REPAVING !!!!! Serious Caving in & Bumps going on !!! We Pay
      Alot in City Taxes to Live here !!! Long Overdue !!!

  2. agree agree and agree again. this town is unbelievable. however, heath says he wants more sidewalks. i assume they will be placed in the middle of streets.

    1. There are lots of residential streets in the city with no sidewalks. It’s very often a federal grant that gets them installed and upgraded with ADA compliant additions, such as curb dips and those bumpy yellow aprons.

  3. When is the ragged chunk of metal near the grate part the roundabout going to be fixed? Or did Jake have some kind of scam going with the local tire dealers?


  4. Salisbury is an irreparable ghetto that will never recover from the last two mayors, once you allow crime to get to the point it is now there is no way back to a functional safe city

  5. Jake Day used and abused you Salisbury. He spent frivolously to impress the powers to be in Annapolis and showed you his true colors when the Marxist movement took over the governor’s house in Maryland. Jake Day couldn’t get out of salisbury fast enough showing what everyone that doesn’t buy into the garbage of today’s politics, Jake has no character or integrity. Jake Day is all about Jake Day

  6. Reading all of the criminal activity this morning I see the feral youth has graduated from riding dirt bikes in packs down rt 13 to armed robbery. See what happens when you leave criminals unchecked, they become emboldened. Wicomico county will be inhabitable by normal citizens in 10 years

  7. Get rid of those stupid bike lanes—NO ONE uses them–most of our residents of salisbury just use the middle of the street and obey not one street signs… they are useless and have ruined Carroll St now—I guess the Mayor doesn’t like ambulances to have easy access to the hospital—bunch of dopes

  8. The decision by the Wes Moore administration to choose an inept individual such as Jake Day for Secretary of Housing and Community Development is a revealing look into not only the sad state of Maryland politics but the sad state of politics of the United States. In Jake Day you have an unqualified individual who was supported by a group of business leaders and certain developers who used him to their advantage. During his tenure as mayor of Salisbury he wasted more money than any other mayor in the history of Salisbury. He ruined multiple streets in the city with idiotic bike lanes that were seldom if ever utilized, while slowing and impeding the smooth flow of traffic. He wasted funds on an amphitheater that sits vacant the majority of the time. He continually granted projects to his friend’s construction companies for his downtown projects, such as a costly pedestrian bridge that was never needed. He caused the closure of multiple businesses in the city. He spent millions on the sparsely attended Folk Festival. His list of failures is endless. Here is a person who was unable to successfully establish a small homeless village in a city that he was responsible for, he is most definitely not qualified. Lastly, if an individual cannot manage his personal affairs, he is a poor example of a leader.

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