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IRONY: Some Of The Illegal Immigrants NYC Sent To Canada Are Turning Back Because It’s Too Cold

It was recently reported that New York City is giving some illegal immigrants taxpayer-funded bus tickets to Canada. Some of them took the deal, because they were dismayed with the level of crime in New York.

Well, they must not have told these folks what Canada is like in winter because some of them took one look and decided to come back.

This situation is reaching amazing levels of absurdity.

The Daily Mail reported:

NO Canada! Migrants bused north from NYC for free are TURNING BACK after getting frustrated with the weather conditions with one blaming ‘lots of snow’

However, just days after reports surfaced that some of the travelers were fleeing New York because of ‘drugs’ and homelessness, several are having second thoughts – with some outright refusing the offer because the country has ‘lots of snow.’


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