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Hunter Asked WH Aide To Help Serbian in Campaign for UN Chief

Hunter Biden enlisted the help of then-Vice President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Colin Kahl, in a scheme to assist a Serbian business partner in becoming secretary-general of the United Nations, the Washington Free Beacon outlined in a report.

In July 2016, Hunter arranged a meeting for Vuk Jeremic and Kahl, who is now the under secretary of defense for policy at the Pentagon. Jeremic, an energy executive and former Serbian foreign affairs minister, was looking at the time for American support in an upcoming vote to become secretary-general of the U.N. Jeremic recounted that Kahl “promised” to find out more about the U.N. election.

Jeremic’s pursuit for the top U.N. post proved to be unsuccessful, his ties to Hunter Biden nonetheless sketch out a nexus between Joe Biden, the Chinese Communist Party, and pay-for-play schemes.


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