A very detailed article by Frank De Varona over at Liberty Sentinel breaks down with authority why it’s safe to say Pope Francis is a full-blown Marxist. This isn’t a secret by any means, but it’s often challenging to break through the intellectual barriers put up by millions around the world as they regard the Pope. Many of his fellow Neo-Marxists deny his affiliation with their ideology because they often adamantly oppose organized religious, which is odd since they full embrace the religion of Climate Change Cultism.
Within the Catholic Church itself, many otherwise lucid members put on blinders regarding the Pope because they believe his teachings and leadership cannot be anti-Biblical since he was chosen by God to lead the church.
You freaks crack me up. Hooray for religion, except when it challenges your comfort zone! LOL. Once again, you claim to have faith but I know and you know that you don’t. And you shouldn’t. Because it’s nonsense. But you also should just stop lying and saying that you do have faith. If the Pope says something you are comfortable with, you say that’s religious doctrine. If he says something you’re not comfortable with, you say he’s
“‘Marxist” (as if there’s something wrong with that). If you believed what you claim to believe you would be living an entirely different life. Maybe taking care of homeless strangers by welcoming them into your home. But you don’t. And I don’t think you should. It’s too difficult. But you claim you believe you should, yet you don’t. You’re just liars. And your hell is the one you live in every day. Your hell is right here on earth. Try the truth. It will set you free.
wow, so misguided about many things. you judge others which is sad! what’s the old saying about walking in someone else shoes? This short existence we call life is a test, either you are a good person give thanks to God, follow Jesus’s teachings and try to make the world by helping others. Or you don’t. And then of course you’ve made your choice for the future! Please search your heart pray to our Lord that he may help you rid yourself of your demons. I to will pray for you also, one more lost soul, pleading to be redeemed!