FDA’s advisers warn they want to see evidence that new vaccine formulations do more than raise antibody levels. Pharmacy caught inventing side effects for correct use of ivermectin, showing long tail of feds’ demonization of safe antiviral.
Facing a 15% bivalent-booster uptake rate several months after the U.S. authorized Omicron-Wuhan vaccines without human trial data, the Department of Health and Human Services is trying to scare Americans into getting jabs that lack a clear advantage over original Wuhan-only boosters.
HHS has recently gone on a social media tear, telling people at all ages and risk levels that they aren’t protected without a bivalent booster.
“It’s impossible to predict how COVID will affect your kids,” one HHS message says, claiming children are at risk from “COVID’s worst outcomes” without a bivalent booster. Another targets low-risk college students.
An all-ages tweet tells vaccinated and previously infected people their protection wanes over time, warning that without a bivalent booster, they risk “severe illness, hospitalization and death.” HHS did not answer Just the News queries for the evidence behind its claims.