A majority of likely voters in the United States said they prefer having the government shut down to having Congress approve more spending, according to a poll.
A Rasmussen Reports poll indicated that 56 percent of the respondents would rather have a partial government shutdown until Congress can cut spending or keep it the same. And only 34 percent said they would rather see the opposite, higher spending levels, to avoid a government shutdown.
Additionally, when looked at by party, 73 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of independent respondents said they would prefer to have a partial government shutdown until Congress can figure out a way to cut spending or keep it the same, while only 41 percent of Democrats felt the same way. On the other hand, more Democrats (50 percent) would prefer to have more spending to avoid a government shutdown.
This is stupid. They never tell you how the respondent base is structured so there’s no way to generalize. It’s a reflection of who they asked, but how representative was that respondent base? Dumb and deceptive. Probably intentionally so. Evil.
SUT DOWN the government until all PORK spending is eliminated. I can’t live on my SSI now.
There have been so many calls to close it down. It will cause more chaos than most know. You really dont want to push that button.
If it happens the world we know will be no more. States will become territories, the rich stay rich, power stops and power runs everything. No services at all.
You dont want to do it so stop talking about it.
Majority Prefer FIRE the Whole Govt & Start Over !!!!