Murders occur overwhelmingly in dense urban areas, many with tough anti-gun restrictions, and far less in suburban and rural areas where firearm ownership is more common, according to a national study of killings.
“This research shows that murders in the U.S. are highly concentrated in tiny areas in the U.S. and that they are becoming even more concentrated in recent years,” said the report from John R. Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center.
Washington, D.C., are murder centers and that even in those cities, the areas where killings occur are growing more concentrated.
Lott’s report is all numbers and little editorial. It describes a nation that is seen on TV every night: shootings are common in cities.
Takes Good people with guns to take out Bad people with guns !!!!!
By the time police arrive it is all over > too late !!!! You better have your own gun these days !!!!!!
Country folks don’t take No shhht !!!! Criminals keep that in Mind !!!!! They may Not make it to Jail !!!!!!!
HEAR DAT you rats of Baltimoe
bring your looting here
we shoot
We Shoot & give Criminals the Boot !!!