“Since the campaign of vaccination against COVID-19 was started, a wide variety of cutaneous adverse effects after vaccination has been documented worldwide. Varicella zoster virus (VZV) reactivation was reportedly the most frequent cutaneous reaction in men after administration of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, especially BNT162b2.
A patient, who had persistent skin lesions after BNT162b2 vaccination for … over 3 months, was investigated for VZV virus and any involvement of vaccine-derived spike protein … Strikingly, the vaccine-encoded spike protein of the COVID-19 virus was expressed in the vesicular keratinocytes and endothelial cells in the dermis.”
COVID Jab Impairs Your Immune Function
The researchers speculate that the COVID jab may induce persistent shingles reactivation by “perturbing the immune system.” How your immune system is perturbed by the COVID shots is the topic of MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff’s paper3 “Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The Role of G-quadruplexes, Exosomes and MicroRNAs,” co-written with Drs. Peter McCullough, Greg Nigh and Anthony Kyriakopoulos.
In it, they describe how the COVID shots suppress your innate immune system by inhibiting the type-1 interferon pathway, which is the first-stage response to all viral infections.
When a cell is invaded by a virus, it releases type-1 interferon alpha and beta. Both of these molecules act as signaling molecules that tell the cell it’s been infected. That, in turn, launches the immune response and gets it going early in the viral infection.
Type-1 interferon also keeps latent viruses in check, so if your interferon pathway is suppressed, latent viruses can start to emerge. The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database reveals many who have been jabbed report these kinds of infections. Regulators in the European Union are also warning that repeat COVID shots can weaken overall immunity.4
How is type-1 interferon suppressed by the jab? It’s suppressed because type-1 interferon responds to viral RNA, and viral RNA is not present in the COVID shot. The RNA is modified to look like human RNA, so the interferon pathway is not triggered. Worse, the interferon pathway is actively suppressed by the microRNA in the shot, which limits your ability to fight off all viruses. It also opens the door for latent viruses to reactivate.
In the case study above, the patient had received one dose of Pfizer’s mRNA shot 13 days before the shingles outbreak and a second dose eight days after, causing the researchers to suspect there was an association between the outbreak and the shots.
ALL this craziness. People embrace diabetes and insulin and high blood pressure and medications for that and erectile dysfunction. They live with STD’s. Some malaise is acceptable to be medicated when people do not change their diets and habits and lifestyles of inactivity and obesity yet they reject the same science when it comes to vaccines. Put your money where your mouth is. Stop taking all your prescribed medications take back your lives eat right and exercise if you’re going to reject science take a real stance and have at it on your own HEAL THYSELF and let’s see where that gets you.
Craziness??? There have been huge numbers of deaths and horrible , disabling diseases and ailments attributed to (and proven) the poison jab. Anyone who reads at all and does any research for themselves knows this. Those who don’t, rely on the government and the likes of phony Fauci to dictate to them what they need and don’t need.
Amen to that!