This is the most powerful and important edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight ever broadcast. Tucker methodically reviews the JFK assassination, the Warren Commission and indicts CIA involvement in the assassination.
Tucker even touches upon the role of CIA psychiatrist Jolly West in these proceedings with Jack Ruby. It was reported that West later made twelve or more visits to Timothy McVeigh while he was incarcerated for the Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Dr. Louis Jolyon West, the UCLA mind control expert for the CIA who pronounced Jack Ruby insane after he suggested a conspiracy in the JFK assassination was also was the government psychiatrist who handled Sirhan B. Sirhan while he awaited trial for the murder of Robert Kennedy.
Tucker and journalist Miranda Devine also savagely indict ongoing CIA leadership for decades of lying and duplicity in numerous despicable and deplorable events and activities, up to the current war in Ukraine. The rest of show is a detailed catalog of corruption at every level of government.
Text of broadcast –
Not long after Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald on camera in the basement of Dallas police headquarters, a lot of Americans started to have some questions about the Kennedy assassination. It was, you’d have to admit, a pretty extraordinary sequence of events. A lone gunman murders the president of the United States. And then, less than 48 hours later, that lone gunman is himself murdered by another lone gunman.
What are the odds of that? It’s one thing if you get struck by lightning – rare but possible. But if every member of your family also gets struck by lightning, all on different days, you might begin to suspect these are not entirely natural events. But oh, replied the U.S. government, they are. This bizarre chain of killings was all entirely natural.”
So less than a year after the JFK assassination, the Johnson White House released something called the Warren Commission Report. And the report concluded that while their motives remained unclear, both Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby had acted alone. No one helped them. There was no conspiracy of any kind. Case closed. Time to move on.
And many Americans did move on. At the time, they had no idea how shoddy and corrupt the Warren Commission was. It would be nearly 50 years before the CIA admitted under duress that in fact, it had withheld information from investigators about its relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald.
But even then, at the time, before that was known, the government’s explanation didn’t seem entirely plausible. And some people started asking obvious questions about it. It was at that point, as Americans started to doubt the official story, that the term “conspiracy theory” entered our lexicon. As Professor Lance DeHaven-Smith points out in his book on the subject, “The term conspiracy theory did not exist as a phrase in everyday American conversation before 1964. In 1964, the year the Warren Commission issued its report, the New York Times published five stories in which ‘conspiracy theory’ appeared.”
He needs to invest in better wigs. Cmon man.
Not a wig!