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When Men Were Men

Before “words are violence”, men were men.

“That was the roughest 10-15 minutes I ever spent,” said one pilot. A squadron of B-24s had flown in one of the first days of Operation Argument. It had been a success. Only three crews didn’t return. It was the beginning of the Eighth Air Force’s big winter of 1944 push to cripple or crush the Luftwaffe ahead of the D-Day invasion. The crews called it the “Big Week”.

Jim had been promoted to Major. In comparison to most of the bomber crews, Jim was ancient. He was 36. On a cold February 24th in 1944 he watched from the tower as bombers returned. That day, it wasn’t his turn to fly. Half of the flight didn’t come back on February 24th. 12 crews were lost. He would lead the next day’s mission over Fürth. It would be his second mission of the Big Week.

The next day, German skies were filled with Allied aircraft. 754 bombers and over 200 fighters dotted the skies over Bavaria. Flying at 18,500 feet, with the bomb bays already opened, a sudden incalculably loud blast ruptured the air in the cockpit. Jim was in the copilot’s seat. Although he was strapped in, his body rocked upward and back down. An 88mm shell had blown a hole in the aircraft almost directly between Jim and the pilot. Both men looked at the hole and down at the German landscape below. The crew was on oxygen and wore wool flight suits to keep the intense cold at bay. It made little difference. 40 below zero air was sweeping into the interior. With a gaping hole in the middle of the Dixie Flyer, Jim watched in horror as other planes were hit by flak. Another B-24 took a direct hit and disintegrated before his eyes. One parachute. The rest of the crew, if not already dead, fell to their deaths. The Dixie’s parachutes were blown up with the 88 shell that ventilated their cockpit. No exit now. Jim and his pilot knew that they would either make it back or die. No parachuting into German and a POW camp.


11 thoughts on “When Men Were Men”

  1. Men? You mean people assigned “male” at birth. Some of them, undoubtedly, identified as women but their transphobic society wouldn’t recognize them as such, even if they were war heroes.

  2. Men were men!! And they did not prefer to look and act like women! Real men know they are men and not female. The so-called men w ho want to identify as female, are sick, demented and mentally ill individuals.

  3. I feel sorry for all you haters. I’m sorry you’re so messed up. I’m sorry you’re so scared and angry. The ignorant hatred you direct at people who differ from you is a reflection of your weakness. You’re no different than jerks who kick their dogs: you’re just looking for a scapegoat for your own failures. But it’s not too late for you to get help. Best wishes to you.

    1. read the news lately mmmm seems one of these non binary people proves what kind of people they really are. Must be a relative of yours?

    1. You’re not following the bible 2:28. You pick and choose, in this case based on hatred and fear. Here’s a few examples where I’m pretty sure you don’t follow the bible:

      1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. Do you follow that?

      2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. Do you follow that?

      3. I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Do you follow that?

      4. Eating shellfish is an abomination, Lev. 11:10. Do you follow that?

      5. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. Do you follow that?

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