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Citing Firsthand Source, Tucker Reports ‘CIA Was Involved In The Kennedy Assassination’

Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson reported Thursday that the CIA was involved in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy, citing a first hand source. [Screenshot Fox News]

Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson reported Thursday that the CIA was involved in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy, citing a first hand source.

President Joe Biden issued an executive order to authorize the full release of the documents related to the assassination that have been hidden for decades. The National Archives and Records Administration released thousands of documents Thursday.

Carlson noted the 1992 John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act that mandated all documents related to Kennedy’s murder be disclosed by 2017. Both former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, however, have not fully complied.


4 thoughts on “Citing Firsthand Source, Tucker Reports ‘CIA Was Involved In The Kennedy Assassination’”

    1. Joseph Kennedy made enemies with the mafia when he did not give them their cut! This is why John F. Kennedy and Robert Kenndy were killed! Payback!!!!!!!!

  1. In other news, water is wet. Is anyone really surprised by this? The movie JFK destroyed the single shooter theory. For everyone who casts election deniers, Covid deniers, etc., and labels them as “conspiracy theorists,” JFKs assassination is proof “conspiracies” exist at the highest level of government. Money and power…follow them and they will lead you to the answers.

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