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The Betrayal Of Higher Education

“For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths.”

  • 2 Timothy 3:14 – 4:5

In my previous article, ‘A Signal Call to The Consciences of Our Nation’s Teachers – ‘Rise Up to Save Our Children,’’ I examined how our Children’s K-12 Educational system has been horribly transformed into a Woke propaganda-mill designed to produce students trained in mindless group think.  The goal of this insidious, long term cultural revolution is to create in students a desire to reject everything that the Progressive Left despises as traditionally normative, because such normative thinking negatively impacts their desire for permanent power.

This cultural attack on our children takes many despicable forms including presenting a distorted history of the United States as an evil and negative force in the world, a mutilated view of its culture as being racist, greedy, exploitative, and aggressively imperialistic.  This attack seeks to destroy traditional religions by replacing them with an environmental form of paganism, which one might term ‘Gaia Worship.’

Thus, the Democrat Left, which dominates the Teacher Unions and the Educational Bureaucracy, seeks to install a new ‘Unholy Trinity’ consisting of an all-powerful Government, Enviro-paganism and the Socialist ideology that proceeds from both, each playing out their roles as Big Brother, Earth Goddess and the Unholy Ghost.

This betrayal of parental expectations through the rape of childhood innocence creates a situation where all the axiomatic presuppositions that parents have regarding the purpose and function of education are deliberately annihilated.

That is, the parental expectation that the reason why schools exist is to teach children to think critically for themselves by learning how to read, write, understand math, express themselves clearly, have an understanding of science and computers as well as be exposed to the triumphs of civilization – especially Western Civilization – via the teaching of its heroes, history, literature and art.  However, all thesepresuppositions are instead being undermined and subverted, largely in a clandestine manner, to create generations of students who will be incapable of critical thinking and will, instead, become unthinking tools in the service of a brutal and cruel power lust designed to foster the acceptance of a permanent ruling class over them.


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