Twitchy struck oil with this gem from a Rutgers University professor whose name made me do a double take, at least. Her name is Crunk, and she’s not a fan of the white folk. In a YouTube segment with The Root, Professor Crunk said that the end of white people is coming and that “we gotta take these motherfuckas out.” As many noted on social media, imagine if the roles were reversed and a white professor said something along these lines.
Hmmmm….change “white people” to “Jew” and you can see where this is going to end up. Wake up, people. Democrats are NAZIS! They kill babies, they mutilate the genitals of children, they “assist” your suicide.
Ask your average college kid at SU- the way they talk about the “cis-white heteronormative patriarchy” is EXACLTY the language the average German in the 1920’s and 30’s started to talk about Jewish people.
Damn you people, it is time to wake the hell up now. Turn the Hollywood swearer pipe off in your home. Stop watching useless sports and get some exercise yourself. Get right with God- even if the filth take our bodies (which is coming soon) they will never take out minds and our souls. Finally, remember that there is not not ONE BIT of difference between the old Russian Pravda and CBS/ABC/NBC/etc….
Oh, if a White person said that of blacks, there would just be no end to it!
Why is it that every time some academic spouts this mess, they always seem to miss one of those inconvenient facts that African Tribal members were selling their own people to the slave traders? Any way you cut it, slavery is horrible, but every culture in the world (at one time or another) did so. How about we all move on from the past, and instead try to be civil with each other rather that jumping on the bandwagon of excuses.
what about the black people that owned slaves OH and what about VP Harris’s family that owned slaves