Jason Goodman at Crowdsource the Truth was in D.C. on January 6, 2021 and inadvertently filmed Ray Epps, who is widely suspected of being an FBI informant. Jason’s new video material and photos appear below.
Why is Epps believed to be an FBI informant? Epps appeared on video inciting Trump supporters to storm the Capitol and assaulting a police officer, yet he was never arrested and charged. Quite a contrast with more than a hundred Trump supporters who were arrested for merely walking into the Capitol. For readers outside the United States, I want to ensure you understand the expression, “If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it is a duck!” The “duck” with respect to Ray Epps strongly suggests that he was collaborating with the FBI or acting at their direction.
Here are some key articles that first appeared on The Gateway Pundit. If you read these you will be up to speed.
I’ve been a fan of Jason, Charles Ortel and John Cullen for years. There are usually about a year ahead of the “NEWS”.
Jan 06 all you want !!! Means nothing !!!! Trump & his Voters are INNOCENT !!!! Period > Pelosi & DC Mayor >