
DelMarVa’s Premier Source for Conservative News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest

Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349

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22 thoughts on “Thank God It’s Friday 11-18-22”

  1. earlier i was slowing down to prevent being hit from branches falling out of a county pickup near the landfill. when he made a corner i saw it was number 16 if that means anything. shouldn’t county employees know they need to strap debris down so it doesn’t blow off onto the road and cars behind them or are they just too stupid. i think i’ll ask julie g if this is commonplace for govt workers.

    1. 12:48 This has absolutely nothing to do with Julie. She will be far better than her democratic opponent even on her worst days. Give her a chance before bashing her for everything that happens in Wicomico County that you don’t like. Did you expect her to go out and put straps on that truck load of brush just to make you happy. I bet you’re also one of those tailgaters that stay right on someones ass but don’t have the balls to pass and drive on without a pide piper.

  2. Trying to survive with the others guys trying to survive all the while drinking bourbon and looking at my fish tank cause it’s too cold out and I want to move.

  3. The word is out that there was no building permit issued for the deck and railing on a previous store that was turned into a residence in Powellville. There have been many near misses at the Mt Hermon Rd and Powellville Rd intersection by this unpermitted deck and railing blocking the view. It has become not only and eye sore, but a dangerous eye sore. So while the county is forcing the cleanup of eyesores in Powellville, dangerous deck and railing must go too. I would hate to be the owner of something so unnecessary if a fatal accident were to occur there.

    1. So you know, the property you are talking about in Powellville happens to be mine. I can assure you I did get a permit for it, it was inspected by the county and they even said is was the best built deck they had ever seen. What I would suggest is that the county or state move the white line at the end of Mt. Hermon Road closer to Powellville Road and that will stop the problem.

    2. Maybe they still need to tear down the Greg and Spencer Marshall Shithole across the street from the deck and railing. Neither of them could hire it done just check case search ad see if they pay there bills. Used to be gas pumps out there at Bethards with cars if front so wtf is the difference.

  4. Need New ELECTIONS held > without the Machines / Drop Boxes / Mail-ins / & Check ID’s !!!!!

    Dems Cheated 2022 / 2020 !!!!!!

  5. Americans Left Behind by Biden
    Biden now in another New Scandal FX
    Pipelines closed
    Fracking closed
    Prices HIGH
    Inflation High
    Interest Rates High
    CRT in Schools

  6. Blowing away a few leaves and then plopping my hind parts in front of the TV and fireplace with a cold brew and catching some college football.

  7. On FOX News today > Sequoia (used on 2020 voting machines & 2022 ) China company infiltrating all
    these companys in America to take us over someday !!!

    23and me / AirBNB / Apple / CISCO / Doordash / Dropbox / FTX / Google / instagram / Linkedin / OKTA /
    Oracle / Paypal / Qualtrics / Reddit / Robinhood / Square / Stripe / Spacex / Whatsapp / Yahoo / Toutube
    Zappos / Zoom

    Looks like they pretty well got it covered !!!!! Wake the Fkkk Up America They using the Democrats !!!

  8. Sequoia Investments > Alibaba / Bytedance / / ANT Financial / Pinduouo / Meituan Dianping /
    Nio / DIDI / Kuaishou / 11bee / Shein / DJI / Eversec / Jiatui Technology / BGI / Tencent Music / ZTO Freight
    Yunmi Tech / Deppon / Meiu

    Democrat Party works with CHINA to take over America !!!!! STOP THE STEAL
    Sequoia software was used in 2020 to make shure Democrats Cheated & WON in their COUP !!!!!!

  9. Voting Machines are like the Lottery !!!! When you let the machine decide the numbers for You You LOOSE !!!!
    Pick your Own numbers has Better Odds !!!!!

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