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WHAT FRAUD? Only 9% Believe America Is On Right Track in Latest Poll, Biden’s Approval a Dismal 39% – Days After He Scores Greatest Midterm Election in Decades

Joe Biden witnessed the greatest midterm election results of any first-term US president in over two decades.

Joe Biden and Democrats kept the US Senate and may build on their lead.

Joe Biden and Democrats only lost 8 seats so far and still make take control of the US House of Representatives.

Joe Biden and Democrats are destroying America,
** Its borders,
** Its economy,
** Its foreign policy,
** Its energy sector
** Its global reputation
** Its traditions, history and culture


5 thoughts on “WHAT FRAUD? Only 9% Believe America Is On Right Track in Latest Poll, Biden’s Approval a Dismal 39% – Days After He Scores Greatest Midterm Election in Decades”

  1. We don’t live in down-home awe-shucks Norman Rockwell, Disney, and Mayberry America anymore. Perhaps we never did. It was all a post-war Madison Avenue pitch for Hyper Consumerism and inflated National Identity to not only sell products but identity and now we find ourselves in a gilded disposable Dream that was always above its means spoiled rotten and in Debt keeping up with not only the Jone’s but the Johnsons and Rodriguez’s and Steins.

  2. 5:59, where do you come up with that dribble. You are on your own with those thoughts. That has never been true for the working middle class.

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