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Dirty Mitch Was on the Take… McConnell Received $2.5 Million from Crypto Laundromat FTX for His Senate Leadership Fund

The CEO of now-bankrupt FTX admitted that FTX was nothing more than a laundromat for the Ukrainian government.

TGP reported earlier that the now-bankrupt FTX was transferring money to Ukraine and then laundering money back from Ukraine to the Democrat party.

FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried donated $38 million to Democrats this year.

Mitch McConnell took funding from FTX for his Senate Leadership Fund.

FTX donated $2.5 million to the Republican Senate Leadership Fund.


4 thoughts on “Dirty Mitch Was on the Take… McConnell Received $2.5 Million from Crypto Laundromat FTX for His Senate Leadership Fund”

  1. Crypto was just the latest in the eternal parade of scams that prey on the foolish people who think there’s such a thing as getting rich without working for it. Anyone investing in Bitcoin and/or all the other nonsense, NFTs, etc., deserves the consequences.

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