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Communists Play Smash Mouth: Pelosi Announces Democrats May Still Steal the House

Nancy Pelosi told her buddy George Stephanopolous on ABC’s This Week on Sunday that the path to control of Congress goes through Arizona, Colorado, and California — where Democrats control the fraudulent elections.

They’re going for the House.

This tweet is going viral on the left. They have no shame. They have no honor. Power is everything.

After a week of “counting” Republicans have 212 seats and Democrats hold 203 seats. Control of the chamber comes with 218 seats.

Communists play smash mouth.


6 thoughts on “Communists Play Smash Mouth: Pelosi Announces Democrats May Still Steal the House”

  1. pelosi says the democrats may steal the house and the spineless republicans will let them. I am so sick and tired of this shit !!!

  2. A guy in my office played “Ding, dong, the witch is dead” right after she made her announcement to step down as Speaker. Hilarious!!!

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