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Thought For The Week

Here we are as Americans sitting through yet another extremely questionable election cycle as to, was our election system rigged again?

I can tell you on a personal level that for the rest of my entire life I will never trust the current system again and if you really think hard about it, what can we do collectively to SECURE any election. We’re American’s, we’re not stupid. Yet WHY haven’t we come up with a system that is FAIL PROOF!

Here’s a good start. Take Veterans Day and turn it into a national holiday in which we as a country shut down. Hell, we did it with COVID, it can be done. On that very day you hold elections across the country and take those piece of crap cheating mail in ballots and get rid of them forever. If any of YOU have a better idea I’m all for listening. Let’s take this Sunday and listen to all of your suggestions.

13 thoughts on “Thought For The Week”

  1. I was thinking the same thing. We know what to expect in 2024 and I really don’t think it matters who the Republicans run. We’ve got to figure out how to level the playing field. Can Republicans start putting ballot boxes out in the middle of the darn woods and desert and make some 3 am trips?

  2. the system is being gamed by those in charge so they never lose. The rest of the population is screwed. unless of course you believe in God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Those evil doers think they are so smart! such wicked people deserve their fates!

  3. We are now in a communist regime , we can do nothing by voting , as you and I can see . Where do we go from here? I know what what to do , but I will not print it on this post. If you corner a dog and tease him he will eventually bite you! It’s time to bite and bite hard.

  4. The truth is, the majority of Americans are stupid. And the Democrats and Socialist have won. People under the age of 40 simply do not recall a time in their lives of prosperity. That when you work, you achieve. All that is now gone. The sad future the United States of America has been handed over to Kamala and the AOC extreme leftist. The only thing that us fiscal conservatives who believe in hard work and a capitalist based economy is pay off all our bills, live a more minimalist lifestyle and be prepared for the inevitable collapse of this Country.

  5. No Machines
    No Software
    No Computers
    No Internet
    No Mail in
    No Drop Box
    Supervise Polling stations / Cameras to watch Every Angle
    Hand count Ballots / Check I.D’s / Supreme Court Forced to hear ALL Election Disputes & Decide Who Won

  6. when the collapse comes and it’s coming, you cant have every country in the world as a debtor nation (usa $31 trillion) and have a functioning system of payments. it’s coming, then this generation and those who have been chasing their so called god, the us dollar or cash or whatever the price for their stupidity. will rue the day they were born! I blame the parents for being such ignorant fools! oh what a joyous or sad day that will be. Depending of course on where you put your faith today!

  7. It’s not just Democrats…the establishment Republicans also had zero interest in investigating the 2020 election. The system is set up by the elites to hold and retain power…period. They bicker publicly enough to get the peasants riled up and to make believe they actually hate each other. The results get spewed across media and that’s that. No way for any of us to know what actually happened. The states that can’t get their counts done on election day don’t want to at this point. Florida counts 5 million votes by 8pm. I think it’s a disservice to the Veterans to shut everything down to vote for the bureaucrats who put them in harms way only to line their own pockets with the Military Machine.

    No more absentee/mail in ballots. There’s got to be secure, electronic ways to vote if you can’t physically get to a polling station. Maryland doesn’t even check your ID/Voter ID Card. How hard can it be to have a secure system that you can log into no matter where you are to vote, with your vote counting in the state of residence?

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