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The Department of Homeland Security is an Enemy of The People and Must Be Disbanded Immediately

Recently leaked information obtained by The Intercept has validated the fact the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is engaged in illegal activities designed to censor and deny the basic human right of free speech. DHS is engaged in an operation to influence social media to remove and censor content that runs contrary to its views. Facebook even created a direct portal to allow DHS to pull down truthful information, that would be information the DHS deems false. Censorship targeted information related to the Afghanistan withdrawal, election integrity, and information related to the apparent Covid 19 bioweapon, and Covid gene therapy shots, which also appear a biological weapon unleashed on humanity.

As The Intercept points out even Tom Ridge, former head of DHS, has stated that the United States government routinely lies whether it is about the Vietnam or Iraq wars, or the origination of Covid 19. DHS coordinated with Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking platforms. It is unclear of the level of interaction between DHS and other government agencies, and other private sector companies, although, based on the sudden engagement in politics and censorship by corporations, it is a safe bet that DHS and other agencies are integrated with them.

The whole premise of government is to protect the Natural Rights of the individual. Some of these Natural Rights are codified in the Bill of Rights. Any government agency with an express purpose to undermine any of the Bill of Rights, or other obvious Natural Rights (I say obvious because we could get into levels of abstraction when conceptualizing rights) is in fact an enemy of the people. The government or its agencies can’t assault the Constitution and the Bill of Rights without becoming an enemy of the United States. When I say the United States, I mean the constellation of states that have entered into a compact and the people that those states they are designed to represent. Such actions by the DHS are literally illegal as they are a direct assault on the law and the essential purpose of government.

Many people consider treason to a betrayal of the State/Government. That is not actually necessarily the case. Let’ take a peek at a dictionary definition of treason:

1 the offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign.

2 a violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or to one’s state.

3 the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.


5 thoughts on “<a href="">The Department of Homeland Security is an Enemy of The People and Must Be Disbanded Immediately</a>”

  1. DHS was enacted by George W to spy on and control citizens communications the control their life. The 911 attacks in New York City and Washington DC just might have been a planned prelude to persuade the public it was for their safety. When I was old enough to figure out why they won’t release the complete report about the assassination of President Kennedy is when I learned not to trust the government

    1. 4;09 You need to read hidden dangers of the rainbow…dark majesty on the Bush’s all a wresting match with rep or dems And. the referees are blind. It’s already started now. the claiming that MAGA has been destroyed well maybe trump won’t run… but the ideology stands strong. The bushes the Clinton’s the Obama’s the Johnson’s the nixons biden, it don’t matter They all belong to that little private club luciferian worshiping pieces of s***
      Wake up!! this new normal cancel culture mentality is the group think zombies who will force you to take the mark of the beast…it’s their ulitimate goal…

  2. Why was win10 designed by MICROSOFT and DHS and then mandated to be on all computers. DHS was / is monitoring all computers as it is and just another “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING”

  3. While we are into disbanding of that department

    Disban the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office too…

    time for Mikey & Toddy to get a real job

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