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Propaganda Exposed [Uncensored]

Throughout the course of human history, healers have been revered and even worshiped. From Hippocrates, “The Father of Modern Medicine,” in 400 B.C., to Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who first discovered blood cells in 1670, to Sir Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin in 1928, physicians have still been hailed as pioneers and champions of healing.

Becoming a doctor is widely considered one of the most noble professions; the respect that a white lab coat and stethoscope can command is comparable to that of a cassock or war medal. It is one of the only professions in which its members demand that their title be used in everyday life.

This praise and admiration is not without merit. Doctors save lives. The amount of cumulative knowledge that it takes to repair an artery, replace a joint, or arrive at a seemingly impossible diagnosis requires a lifetime of dedication that is hard to manufacture. Each generation of healers stands upon the shoulders of the last, and the human race has benefited tremendously.

Furthermore, these healers have benefited greatly from breakthroughs in science and technology that have led to the creation and discovery of numerous drugs, therapies, and surgical interventions. These healing modalities have undoubtedly saved the lives of millions of Americans.

After all, where would we be without penicillin or appendectomies? Even our ability to sterilize wounds and prevent infection has drastically increased the average lifespan. But not all treatments are created equal. For every breakthrough, lifesaving discovery, dozens more turn out to be harmful, ineffective, or even deadly.

The Truth About Modern Medicine

For nearly as long as modern medicine has existed, so have egregious ethical violations. When you hear the term “medical experimentation,” your mind may recall the horrendous experiments conducted in Nazi Germany on Jews, communists, homosexuals, and an assortment of other “undesirables” under the Third Reich. While these experiments were undoubtedly appalling, they were neither the first nor the last of their kind.

In fact, the history of unethical experiments in the United States and abroad is long and harrowing. Children, soldiers, minorities, prisoners, and even entire cities have been forcibly or unknowingly subjected to dangerous, cruel, and often lethal experiments… all in the name of science.

The doctors and scientists responsible for the development and administration of these drugs are both trained and constrained by the corrupt system that now controls them. Western medicine as we now know it exists in orbit around the pharmaceutical industry. Medical schools teach doctors how to match symptoms with prescriptions, hospitals negotiate with insurance companies based on the cost of drugs, and the race is ongoing to create the latest and greatest drug that will cure what ails ya.

The healers of today are no longer the heroes of old. The healers of today are trained, funded, and accountable to the pharmaceutical industry. That corruption is largely enabled by a system of governmental oversight that is nothing more than an instrument used by the medical industrial complex to approve and sell their products while limiting their liability.

Worse, these governmental puppets are now using the private tech and media industries to ensure that only the official narrative is put forth; those with dissenting opinions or contradicting data are silenced, censored, and calumniated.

This was once considered to be a conspiracy theory. To insinuate that these institutions could be involved in a global conspiracy that has cost tens of millions of lives and undermined the very foundations of our democracy was tantamount to blasphemy.

Until now…

The Emperor is Naked


1 thought on “<a href="">Propaganda Exposed [Uncensored]</a>”

  1. The people have embraced Pharmaceuticals. They are unwilling to change their habits and lifestyles to prolong their lives. Just look around you use to only see people as fat as they are now in Circus Sideshows. Shuffling along on the sides of their shoes their legs all swelled up and blue smelling like smoked ham ass and urine filling their shopping carts with soda and processed food. The food industry is just as bad as big pharma. Hyperconsumerism has created Modern Malaise including consuming healthcare. I know people that have become professional patients. They could really change their lives if they used the time they spend going to Doctors eating right walking or anything physical and curbing their habits. I guess they will be thin happy and healthy in the promised afterlife.

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