On Thursday, half of Twitter’s employees were laid off in a mass email dismissal. The internal message stated that employees would be informed of their layoff status via email by 9 AM PST.
Musk is also ending all remote work and requiring remaining employees to show up at their offices, although there could be exceptions made.
The Daily Mail obtained a copy of the email that was sent to all staff, including those who will be laid off and those who will not.
Those who have been laid off have been notified that, depending on their position, they will continue to be employed by the social media giant until either January or February next year. However, their last day of work will be November 4, and they are not expected to work, and all access will be deactivated.
The remaining employees have been told that the office would be closed until November 7th and that they should “refrain from discussing confidential company information.”
FIRE the WOKE Democrat spys !!!
Firing the Dirty Democrat puppets was Necessary !!! Loooong Overdue !!!