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New NBC Poll Spells Trouble For Democrats Going Into Midterms: 81% of Americans Say They’re “Dissatisfied” with the State of the Economy (VIDEO)

A new NBC poll highlighted by “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd spells trouble for Joe Biden and the Democrats going into the midterm elections.

81% of Americans are “dissatisfied” with the state of the economy according to the new left-leaning NBC poll.

This is the “second-highest number ever recorded,” Chuck Todd said.

Joe Biden’s approval rating with Independents is at an all time low at just 28%


16 thoughts on “New NBC Poll Spells Trouble For Democrats Going Into Midterms: 81% of Americans Say They’re “Dissatisfied” with the State of the Economy (VIDEO)”

    1. Shows ALOT of BAD people & stupid ones in America today Vote Democrat !!!! OR the Voting
      Machines & Software are Crooked !!!! + Drop Boxes + Mail-in + Counting the Dead / Illegals !!!!

  1. If you are one of the people who is so concerned about the economy but still voted democrat, please stop voting. You clearly don’t understand how it works.

  2. Elections Never Fixed since 2020 !!! Software / Machines / Drop Boxes / Mail -in / Easy to Cheat !!!!! Again

    China in on it again too !!!!!

  3. Ballot SCAN Repeat > Democrat WIN !!! Again & Again !!!

    What good is a Ballot filled out by Hand then SCANNED ???? DUGH !!!

  4. Republicans had a Better Chance Winning the 2 Billion $$$ Dollar Lottery than being Elected this time
    since the MACHINES are still used !!!!!

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