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It’s Worse Than We Thought – BREAKING: Detroit Election Officials Signed 2020 Contract to Use China-Linked Konnech Systems to Mass Scan Absentee Ballots and Check Ballot Signatures (VIDEO)

Attorney Daniel Hartman and Hon. Timothy M. Kenny

Michigan Judge the Honorable Timothy M. Kenny recently held a hearing on signature validation in overseas ballots.

During the hearing in the 3rd Circuit Court of MI Judge Kenny repeatedly berated Attorney Dan Hartman and allowed the defense lawyer David Fink to go off on political rants about “right-wing fever dreams” and “election deniers.” (around the 3 hour mark)  Attorney Fink accused Hartman of racism despite the fact that the lawsuit was filed by Kristina Karamo who is a black female conservative running for Secretary of State in Michigan.


6 thoughts on “It’s Worse Than We Thought – BREAKING: Detroit Election Officials Signed 2020 Contract to Use China-Linked Konnech Systems to Mass Scan Absentee Ballots and Check Ballot Signatures (VIDEO)”

  1. its all rigged against us. the commies and their minions are going to subject us to their ruthless ways! patiently waiting for the day of the Lord when these worthless pos’s will reap their just rewards!

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