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‘Bottomless Pinocchio’: Washington Post rips Biden’s incessant lies

For years already, Joe Biden actively has use misstatements – lies – to pursue his political agenda. Sometimes they’re just labeled “gaffes” or blunders. They’re so common a book has been published detailing the most egregious.

Recently, though, they’ve gone so far beyond the truth that now even the Washington Post is calling him out – by awarding him a “bottomless Pinocchio” status handed out by its “fact-checking” process.

It’s more significant because Americans know many of those legacy fact-checking procedures lean to the Democrat agenda by significant levels.

Fox News reported the Post handed Biden its “honor” because of multiple recent lies.

“Folks, I spent a lot of time — more time with Xi Jinping than any other head of state. … I’ve traveled 17,000 miles with him,” Biden claimed on Nov. 3 in San Diego.

The Post’s Glenn Kessler wrote that his organization fact-checked this claim several times before and that the president has said it over 20 times.

Those statements already given three Pinocchios for their falsehood, and still repeated “at least 20 times,” are the requirements for the award.

Fox reported, “The analysis also fact-checked the president’s claim that seniors were getting an increase in their Social Security checks for the first time in 10 years. The White House also included this claim in a tweet that was deleted.”

The White House had boasted that seniors were getting the biggest increase in Social Security payments in years – but ignored the fact that that increase was solely because of the massive inflation that has been allowed under Joe Biden’s economics.

And Biden recently took credit for lowering the price of gasoline, claiming falsely that the price was over $5 a gallon when he took office.


4 thoughts on “‘Bottomless Pinocchio’: Washington Post rips Biden’s incessant lies”

  1. NO Party should control BOTH houses of Congress at the same time + even the WHITE HOUSE as is NOW !!!

    And the Democrat Party JUST SHOWED YOU WHY !!!

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