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ABC News Says “Red Mirage” Will Look Like Big Republican Win, But Vote Count Could Take “Weeks”

In a throwback to 2020, ABC News reports that a “red mirage” could make it look like Republicans are winning big on the night, but that a full vote count could take “weeks.”

The legacy news outlet has published an article titled ‘Early election night results might not indicate final tallies (and why that’s OK)’.

The piece explains how Republicans may “appear to be leading their Democratic opponents, even by large margins” in federal and statewide races, but that their leads “will dwindle, or crumble completely” after “dumps” of mail-in and absentee ballots are counted after election day, which could take “weeks”.

Why America can’t count all the votes on the night, as is done in countless other developed countries, isn’t explained.

“This phenomenon was popularized as the “red mirage” or the “blue shift” after the 2020 presidential election, when former President Donald Trump took a deceptive lead in several competitive states on Election Day due to delays in counting of Democrats’ mail-in ballots — their preferred method of voting due to the COVID-19 pandemic — only to eventually dissipate when the entire reserve of votes was totaled,” states the report.

However, the explanation that COVID-19 caused so many Democrats to use mail-in ballots on 2020 is also not a factor now given that all restrictions have been lifted and COVID is barely even a news story at this point.


7 thoughts on “ABC News Says “Red Mirage” Will Look Like Big Republican Win, But Vote Count Could Take “Weeks””

  1. We need one day elections like it used to be with paper ballots, no internet connected computers. Turn election day into a national holiday with most people off from work, no excuses.

  2. You people just don’t understand. Good cheating takes time and patience. You can’t just hurriedly do the vote counting or you may accidently put a vote in for the Republicans, and that would not be good. These things take time. There is an art to good and proper cheating. The democrats have it down pat so if you will just try to be patient, they will tell you which democrats won before too long.

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