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Larry Kudlow: People don’t believe in Biden answers anymore

The GOP message is to rescind President Biden’s $5 trillion of new spending borrowing and debt, Kudlow says

So, with 13 days left until the November 8th midterms, polling data continues to suggest the Cavalry is coming. Of course, polls don’t matter. Only votes do and like most folks, I’m a polling sceptic, but it is noteworthy that market-based polls are now suggesting GOP Senate pick-ups in Pennsylvania, Nevada and Georgia — all that could give the GOP a 52-48 Senate. Arizona, very close and later in the show, by the way, we’re going to have former General Donald Bolduc.  He’s the GOP candidate in New Hampshire, where that race is a tossup — could be one of the big surprises.

But I’m particularly interested in content and message and it is still, for the Senate races, inflation and the economy. Up in New Hampshire for example — this is so important — electricity rates are soaring, blackouts are threatening, natural gas and home heating oil is short.  So, what is Democrat Senator Maggie Hassan’s solution? Sell more out of the Strategic Petroleum Preserve, also use the home heating reserve. That’s the wrong answer. That’s a Biden answer.  People don’t believe in Biden answers anymore. He is incapable of telling the truth about the economy, or the energy situation.

How is it that the entire Democratic party, really, it seems like the entire Democratic party will not recognize the power, efficiency and the importance of the American oil and gas business.  It’s like the progressives are suffering from this thick blanket of amnesia that we have a fossil fuel industry at all — that the industry is capable of solving problems, like high prices and fuel shortages. It employs 11 million people. It impacts literally hundreds and hundreds of everyday necessities in our lives. It may be the single most important, urgent answer to the crisis of stagflation.

Now, today, Vice President Kamala Harris, with a straight face mind you, holds a presser and attacks diesel-powered school buses and blames them for our kids’ education underperformance. Really, mam? That’s the issue?  Not your opposition to parental involvement? Or your subservience to the teachers unions, critical race theory and gender and sexual I-D mandates? Blame diesel buses? Which, by the way, have been taking American kids to school for decades and decades when test scores were higher and kids new how to read and do arithmetic. Do I get this right?  This is one small reason why the Cavalry is coming. Common sense Americans have had enough. They’ve had it up to here!


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