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Sensing the End of Her Career, Liz Cheney Betrays GOP Even More

Earlier this week, the soon-to-be-former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) appeared on NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” during which the possibility of former President Donald Trump appearing live before the January 6 select committee came up. The demand was formally sent out last Friday.

Cheney, who has become a particularly vocal critic of Trump, claimed the problem with Trump started when he was first elected. “I think that there’s no question that the – his election as president in 2016 began something that’s been very dangerous for this nation,” she claimed. “And we now see he’s willing to do everything he needs to do, everything within his power, to stop the peaceful transition of power. And he can never be president again.”

Surprisingly, Cheney was not asked until the very end of the segment about running for president in 2024, potentially against Trump. Todd even buttered her up, by mentioning “some people,” who went unnamed, “suggest if you were a third party candidate, it would be enough to stop Trump.” While she did not outright commit to running, something she has teased before, she reiterated “we will do whatever it takes, as I said” and that Trump “will not be the President of the United States again,” despite how that’s for voters to decide.

Cheney offered they are “anticipating that the former president will understand his legal obligation, will comply with the subpoena,” and even tried to beg viewers to go to the committee’s website to read the subpoena and the letter to Trump with it.

When Todd tried to tease out of Cheney as to if Trump’s testimony would be live, Cheney claimed, with a straight face, that “the committee treats this matter with great seriousness” and “we are going to proceed in terms of the questioning of the former president under oath,” emphasizing that “it will be done with a level of rigor and discipline and seriousness that it deserves.” Cheney again later spoke of supposed “seriousness,” claiming what the committee had to hear from Trump “is far too serious set of issues.”


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