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Homeowner Gives Armed Suspect Warning After Warning, Eventually Has No Choice But to Pull the Trigger

You’ve heard it many times before: The best answer for a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

The reason you’ve heard it so often is because it’s true. It’s just as true if the bad guy has a knife.

That truism proved itself out once again in Pennsylvania on Friday, when an unidentified lawfully armed gun owner defended his or her life and property from a criminal genius with a kitchen knife.

Harrisburg Police responded to an attempted burglary and “shots fired” call just before 5:00 Friday afternoon, according to arrest details provided online by the Harrisburg Bureau of Police.

The way the report was worded implies that the suspect was identified by the homeowner before he was located by police, but the report is a little unclear on that.

Regardless, officers learned that one Keon J. Washington had attempted to break into a residence, which was at the time occupied by the homeowner, who had a firearm.

Police said that the homeowner warned Washington multiple times, but the suspect — again, a criminal genius if ever there was one — was allegedly undeterred.


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